Banjarmasin – The Physics Education Study Program (PS) began a series of Field Assessment (AL) activities that would originally be carried out by 8 PSs that this year underwent the PS accreditation process through the Education Self Accreditation Institute (Lamdik) within the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM). AL Physics Education PS was held on Thursday-Friday, January 11-12, 2024 with 2 Lamdik assessors who were Professor of Surabaya State University (Unesa), Wahono Widodo, and Professor of Tadulako State University, Jusman Mansyur. The activity took place in the meeting room of the Professor of FKIP ULM and was opened directly by the Rector of ULM, Ahmad Aliem Bahri.
The opening session was also attended by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Iwan Aflanie; Head of ULM’s Quality Assurance and Learning Development Institute (LPMPP), Agung Nugroho; Dean of FKIP ULM, Sunarno Basuki; Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Deasy Arisanty; Vice Dean for General and Financial Affairs, Dharmono; Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni, Ali Rahman; Head of the General Section of FKIP ULM, Ani Isdiati Basri; Coordinator of Physics Education Study Program, Abdul Salam; Head of Quality Assurance Unit (UPM) FKIP ULM, Ananda Setiawan; Head of Cooperation and Public Relations Management Unit, Emma Rosana Febriyanti; Head of Information Communication and Technology (ICT) Unit FKIP ULM, Nuruddin Wiranda; UPM team, Saiyidah Mahtari, Nurul Hidayati Utami, Meliyana Aini, Muhammad Muhaimin, Sauqinah, Tika Puspita Widya Rini, and Imelda Indah Savitri; Heads of Subdivisions: Ida Auliani, Isnawati, and Akmil Fuadi Rahman, as well as the lecturers of the Physics Education PS FKIP ULM.
In his opening remarks, ULM Rector, Ahmad reiterated ULM’s commitment in assisting the accreditation process in the PS environment at ULM both in terms of financial, provision of infrastructure, and other moral support needed. After the opening, another AL agenda was the assessor’s meeting with the faculty as UPPS (Study Program Management Unit); assessor’s meeting with PS; then with stakeholders, students, alumni, and education staff of FKIP ULM. All meetings were held on the first day, and the second day was filled with infrastructure visitation, micro-learning assessment, and submission of minutes as well as evaluation.
At the end of the AL, the assessor conveyed a number of important notes that deserve attention, including that the main strength of the Physics Education Study Program in particular and FKIP ULM in general is the alignment between the vision, mission, goals, and strategies (VMTS) which focus on the local wisdom of wetlands which makes it sharp, even at the level of realization of tridarma; governance, governance, quality assurance, and collaboration design are seen to be carried out through a continuous process including foreign cooperation which is considered adequate and appears to be carried out gradually and consistently; the performance of tenders is seen as good and opens up opportunities for development with the participation of tenders in various trainings.
As input, the assessors expect innovation in efforts to attract the number of incoming students considering that the downward trend in the number of incoming students is a general trend that occurs as an excess of the Covid 19 pandemic so there needs to be more effort in increasing it; increased library utilization even though there are already so many sources of information. Increasing campus library visits is still considered very important; and the need to carry out direct learning monitoring practices.
The two-day activity was concluded just before Friday prayers. Both assessors expressed their satisfaction with the hospitality of the team from FKIP ULM in the implementation of AL and expressed great gratitude. Hopefully in the next stage, PS Physics Education will get the best results as expected. (admin)