Banjarmasin – Mohammad Rudi Febrissa, a student of the Chemistry Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM), won the best champion in the Grand Final of the selection of Language Ambassadors of South Kalimantan (Kalsel) province in 2024, July 30. He and Novela Deva Puasa Suciva Fitriansyah, a student majoring in management at the Indonesian College of Economics (STIEI) Banjarmasin, were crowned the Son and Daughter of South Kalimantan Language Ambassador 2024.
Meanwhile, the second place went to Muhammad Aufa Ridlani from Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture ULM (male) and Maudya Pramitha from Law Science, Islamic University of Kalimantan (Uniska). Third place went to Muhammad Adi Saputra from Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) ULM (male) and Nabil Adhalia Putri from English Education, State Islamic University (UIN) Antasari (female). The favorite winners were Muhammad Bawafi Hasfiadi, a student of Arabic Language Education at UIN Antasari (male) and Nur Fitri Yanti, an alumnus of Indonesian Language and Literature Education (PBSI) at FKIP ULM (female).
To become the South Kalimantan Language Ambassador, Rudi had to undergo a number of tests including the adaptive Indonesian Language Proficiency Test (UKBI); linguistic and literary tests; interview tests covering public speaking, linguistic rules, foreign languages, organization; quarantine sessions where he was tested for in-depth interview tests with the Language Ambassador Alumni Family Association (KA), krida presentations, in-depth linguistic tests with experts, and talent show tests. While in the grand final, she underwent a language wake-up trigatra test from seven expert judges in her field.
Winning this competition, Rudi said he was proud. “Being the winner of the South Kalimantan Language Ambassador competition gives me great gratitude and responsibility. It is both an honor and a mandate to be a role model in the use of good and correct Indonesian, as well as an agent of regional language preservation. This feeling motivates me to work harder in my mission to develop and promote the richness of language in South Kalimantan,” he said.
According to Rudi, the next plan as a language ambassador is to carry out programs that have been designed to improve linguistic and literary literacy, implement regional language revitalization and protection programs with language centers and strengthen Indonesian in the international arena as Lingua Franca. “In accordance with the priority program of the language development and protection agency, this is also in line with the process of branding myself to be able to proceed to the national language ambassador selection stage which will be held in August,” he explained.
Congratulations to the winners, hopefully they can continue to make achievements at the next level, and become an inspiration for others. (admin)