Banjarmasin – In order to complete the input of student data for Key Performance Indicator (IKU) 2 and curriculum data for IKU 7, the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) held data input training as well as data completion for Study Program (PS) operators in FKIP ULM. This activity was held at Victoria Hotel, Banjarmasin on March 23-24, 2024. The activity was opened by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Deasy Arisanty and attended by the Head of the Academic Subdivision of FKIP ULM, Akmil Fuadi Rahman; Academic Subdivision staff Raden Gilang Kresna Bayu and other staff; and all operators from 21 PS in FKIP ULM. The resource person in this training was Untung Simpati Bimantara who is a staff of the ULM Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Academic Support Unit (UPA).
In her remarks, Deasy conveyed the importance of this activity in order to accelerate the data input target for measuring KPI achievements in the first quarter of 2024. “Actually, FETT is in the ‘green’ position for KPI 2 and KPI 7, meaning that it is safe to meet, but because there are changes in the calculation systematics from the Ministry, the data is not ‘green’. Data that needs to be updated, for example, is related to the dual status of student KRS because he is counted as a regular student but also participates in the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) program. Including data improvement also on Project Based or Case Based Course records in Simari for IKU 7 achievements, “he said. Deasy himself targets that in the next two days the target of completing data input for KPI 2 and KPI 7 can be met.
According to Muhammad Nabili, Computer Education PS operator, this training has helped him in the process of entering data. “”Previously, it had been shared how to fill in data from PTIK but I still didn’t understand, now, during this training event, we can share the correct way, and if we still don’t understand, we can directly ask Mr. Untung, the speaker from PTIK ULM,”” he said.
In addition, Umar, the operator of Sociology Education explained his work progress in processing data input after the training. “KPI 2 was achieved from 71 Sociology Education students who participated in MBKM. There is 1 student data left that has not been synchronized because it is still waiting for synchronization from PD Dikti (Higher Education Database -ed). Regarding KPI 7, the Sociology Education Study Program lecture class data in the Neo-Feeder system has all been inputted . There are 97 odd semester 2023-2024 courses that are inputted into the course evaluation component but the achievement results are still waiting for synchronized information from the ULM PTIK team. The data will be updated every morning in the Feeder Operator group, SIA ULM,” he said enthusiastically. (admin)