Cooperation Visit, FETT ULM Visits 4 Faculties at UNY


Team at Fishipol UNY
Team at FBSB UNY

Yogyakarta – In order to initiate cooperation with Yogyakarta State University (UNY), the Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) team consisting of the Deputy Dean for General and Financial Affairs, Dharmono; Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni, Ali Rachman; Secretary for Cooperation of the Cooperation and Public Relations Management Unit (UPKH), Dewi Dewantara; and UPKH staff, Muhammad Naufal Yaasir visited several faculties within UNY. The visits were made to the Faculty of Language and Cultural Arts (FBSB), Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), and Faculty of Education and Psychology (FIPP).

At FBSB, the team was welcomed by the Dean of FBSB, Nur Hidayanto; Vice Dean for Academic, Student Affairs, and Alumni (AKA), Else Liliani; Vice Dean for Planning, Finance, General, and Resources (PKUSD), Cipto Budi handoyo; Vice Dean for Research, Cooperation, Information Systems, and Business Units (RKSIU), Zulfi Hendry; Head of FBSB Public Relations, and Secretary of FBSB Public Relations. The team was received in the 2nd floor courtroom of the M. Yamin PLA building of FBSB UNY. This meeting discussed cooperation plans that can be carried out by the two campuses, including a joint curriculum with the hope of producing highly competitive quality graduates. In addition, the discussion also included the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) program and various activities within the scope of MBKM such as student exchanges and lecturer exchanges. In addition, further study cooperation was also a topic of discussion, including an offer so that lecturers at FKIP UNLAM who want to continue their studies can do so at FBSB UNY.

The team also visited the Faculty of Social, Legal and Political Sciences (Fishipol). They were welcomed by the Deputy Dean for Academic, Student Affairs and Alumni, Mukhamad Murdiono; Deputy Dean for Planning, Finance, General, and Resources, Benni Setiawan; and Head of UUIK, Poerwati Hadi Pratiwi. Fishipol UNY welcomed the cooperation plan from FKIP ULM and will follow up in the form of an online meeting involving department heads and Study Program Coordinators (Korprodi) from both universities.

At FMIPA, the team was welcomed directly by the Dean of FMIPA, Dadan Rosana, in Session Room 1 FMIPA UN. In his speech, Dadan said that for cooperation activities, FMIPA UNY is very open. He hopes that this kind of cooperation activity is not only administratively, but also contextual in nature academic, publications and joint research, in the fields of physics, mathematics, biology, chemistry, and science, as well as education. Meanwhile, Dharmono, in his remarks, revealed that FKIP ULM wanted to learn and collaborate with FMIPA UNY. He revealed that so far there had been FMIPA lecturers who had become resource persons in academic activities at ULM. “This activity is expected to be a means to jointly improve the quality of education and learning, both for FMIPA UNY and FKIP ULM. Hopefully the quality of education at ULM and UNY can continue to improve for the better,” he said.

At FIPP, the team was represented by the Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni of FKIP ULM along with UPKH staff, Naufal. They were received by the Deputy Dean for Research, Cooperation, Information Systems, and Business, Siti Rohmah Nurhayati along with the FIPP collaboration team. In his remarks, he appreciated the intention and arrival of the FIPP ULM cooperation team in an effort to build cooperation, especially in the field of tridarma. Other talks discussed by both parties included matters related to strengthening the achievement of IKU 6 in the field of cooperation, during this visit an agreement was made for the signing of a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) document between FKIP ULM and FIPP UNY. The conversation also led to forms of cooperation that could be carried out both in the fields of education, research, and joint service and also regarding lecturers’ further studies. Both parties agreed on the importance of a legal umbrella for a number of lecturers who continue their studies at UNY.(admin)