Diversity Training for Teaching Lecturers of PS PPG FKIP ULM


Photo with participants in the Diversity Training PS PPG FKIP ULM (Doc. Iriani Bakti)

Banjarmasin – Teacher Professional Education Study Program (PS PPG) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) on Monday, 20 March 2023 held a Diversity Education and Training (Training) activity for Teaching Lecturers of PS PPG FKIP ULM. This activity was funded from PPG funds, one of the directives for this activity is diversity insight training for PPG teaching lecturers. The resource person in this activity was a lecturer at PS PPG FKIP ULM who had obtained a license to teach diversity, namely Dr. Harpani Matnuh, M.H., and Dr. Dian Agus Ruchliyadi, M.Pd. The purpose of carrying out this activity is for lecturers to understand and be able to teach the concept of diversity to students. Participants invited to this activity included the ranks of the Dean, representatives of the head of bureau/head of rectorate, head of the ULM FKIP TU, heads of subdivisions within the ULM FKIP environment, unit heads within the ULM FKIP environment, PPG study field coordinators, and related admins.

This diversity material is material that is of concern to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) to provide to students. Lecturers who provide material are also expected to be teachers who have a license. “Therefore, this training will be sustainable, so that the training participants, especially the heads of study fields who become PPG teaching lecturers, can later obtain a license to become instructors for this diversity material,” explained PS PPG coordinator, Iriani Bakti.

In addition to the diversity training, other activities were carried out simultaneously, namely (reviewing) the study of the revitalization proposal for Education Personnel Teaching Institutions (LPTK) in this case PPG, by a study team led by the Dean of FKIP ULM, Chairil Faif Pasani. Funds for proposals reached 2.5 billion, and are expected to be approved. The proposal aims to develop infrastructure including developing micro-learning spaces, and procuring digital technology-based learning support tools. (admin)

The resource person for the diversity training PS PPG FKIP ULM, Dr. Harpani Matnuh, M.H., and Dr. Dian Agud Ruchliyadi, M.Pd. (doc. Ati Sukmawati)