Banjarmasin – Monday, May 13, 2024, the leadership of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) received a visit from the ULM department determination public test team, namely Wahyudin Nor, Muhammad Alif, Muhammad Najamudin, Budi Pujo Haryono, and Agung Cahyo Legowo. The team was received by the Dean of FETT ULM, Sunarno Basuki; Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Deasy Arisanty; Deputy Dean for General and Financial Affairs, Dharmono, and Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni, Ali Rachman in the meeting room of the Professor of FETT ULM starting at 11.00 WITA. This public test activity also presented the heads of departments and heads of study programs (PS) in FKIP ULM.
This public test contains an explanation of the ULM Statute 2024 Permendikbudristek No.13 2024 concerning the Organizational Structure of the Faculty, especially those related to departments. The department is an element of the faculty that supports the implementation of academic activities in I (one) or several branches of science and technology; in the types of academic education, vocational education, and professional education. In the latest statutory regulations, the function of the department becomes more vital with a number of tasks, including (1) compiling activity plans / work programs for departments / sections, (2) compiling and coordinating educational activities, research, and community service in departments / sections, (3) carrying out departmental development in the fields of education, research, and community service, (4) assessing the performance of lecturers and education personnel in the department / section, (5) develop cooperation with stakeholders and other institutions outside ULM, (6) monitor and evaluate the implementation of the learning process at the department/section level, (7) submit regular activity reports to the dean, (8) carry out internal and external quality assurance processes at the department/section level, (9) support the achievement of the PTN Main Performance Indicators (IKU). Thus, the duties of department managers have become more complex, and have even taken over some of the duties of the PS Coordinator (Korprodi).
According to the Vice Dean for General Affairs and Finance, Dharmono, who is responsible for the organization of faculty governance, related to the vitalization of this department, several things need to be straightened out, including (1) the need for clarity of the main tasks and functions (tupoksi) of the Head of the Department and the Secretary of the Department to the level of technical guidelines (juknis) which will be able to help classify which department tasks and which PS tasks, (2) the need for clarity of tupoksi korprodi so as not to overlap with the tupoksi of department managers, especially when the position of secretary and financial manager of the PS is abolished, (3) the importance of changing the way of thinking about the position and duties of department managers and PS managers. “Changing this is not easy considering that the department oversees many study programs,” he said. (admin)