FETT Teachers Hold Personality Development for Agent Candidates


The atmosphere of Personality development activities of FETT Teaching UKM (doc. committee)

Banjarmasin – The Student Activity Unit (UKM) with the most members in the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Universitas Lambung Mangkurat (ULM), FKIP Mengajar, again held a briefing for prospective agents who wanted to join them. This activity began with a Meet-Up event for prospective FKIP Mengajar agents with administrators and coaches. The Meet-Up event was held on Friday, February 16, 2024 at the ULM Central Library Hall from 08.00-15.20 WITA with the main agenda of delivering the 2024 management work program.

The activity continued on Saturday, February 17, 2024 in room 26 FKIP ULM with an agenda of personal managerial training with the title Personality Development. This activity was attended by 110 prospective Teaching FETT agents and presented a guest speaker Muhammad Nurjani who is the founder of Teaching FETT. Muhammad Nurjani, who is also a Metafranchise teacher and coach, delivered material on ‘Four Human Personalities and Public Speaking‘. (admin)

Narsumber, Muhammad Nurjani (doc. committee)