Banjarmasin – The establishment of a Nucleii School or core school in a series of STEM (Science, Technology Engineering, & Mathematics) learning development activities is a continuation of the STEM Leadership program which is a three-year partnership program between the Directorate General of Teachers and Education Personnel (GTK) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Indonesia, Temasek Foundation, and Nanyang Technological University Singapore, and PPSTEMI (Indonesian Association of Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics Activists) where the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) represented by Atiek Winarti, Professor of the Chemistry Education Study Program (PS) who acts as a facilitator.
The program began by inviting facilitators from 8 universities (HEIs) including ULM to a workshop on 23-27 October 2023 at Temasek Foundation and meriSTEM at the National Institute of Education (NIE), Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore, then continued with the formation of the Nucleii School.
In South Kalimantan, the school chosen for this program is SMPN 19 Banjarmasin and will affect 3 other schools, namely SMPN 6 Banjarmasin, SMPN 8 Banjarmasin, and SMPN 23 Banjarmasin. The purpose of this activity is to disseminate STEM learning in schools. The development of STEM learning at SMPN 19 Banjarmasin in this program was carried out from February 5-9, 2024. This activity was facilitated by Atiek Winarti assisted by lecturers in the Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education (JPMIPA) FKIP ULM, Yasmine Khairunnisa and Yogo Dwi Prasetyo.
The teachers and students were also mentored by NTU STEM research consultant Tan Lik Tong. “The first day, students and teachers accompanied by facilitators and consultants made an activity plan. On the second day, the cycle one learning began by looking at the problems in the school, which turned out to be the lack of clean water for ablution. Here students made a plan to make distilled water. The next day they started practicing by implementing STEM,” said Atiek. According to Atiek, the results of this activity will later be recorded and disseminated to schools. (admin)