Kelantan, Malaysia – A number of lecturers and students of the Economics Education Study Program (Penko) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) participated in the International Poster Competition held by the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) on July 16-17, 2024 in Kelantan, Malaysia. Three bronze medals and two silver medals were won by the team from PS Penko.
The bronze medal team 1 with a poster entitled The Influence of Financial Literacy, Self-control, Parent’s Status Economic Social on Comsumptive Behavior of Lambung Mangkurat University Students consists of students (Rabiatul, Muhammad Nanang, Aulia Sapitri, Noor Liyani, and Ramadani). The bronze team 2 with a poster entitled Development of electronic Student Worksheets (ELKPD) Based on Liveworksheets for Fiscal Policy Material in Class XI State Senior High School 1 Alalak consists of lecturers and students (Muhammad Rahmattullah, Syaripudin Bahar, Mahmudah Hasanah, and Siti Aisyah). The 3rd bronze medal team with a poster entitled Historiopreneurship Literacy of Highschool Teachers in Banjar Regency consisted of a team of lecturers (Ananda Setiawan, Muhammad Rahmattulah, Rizky Febriyani Putri, and Dwi Atmono).
Two silver medals were won by two teams, namely the silver medal team 1 with the poster title The Impact of Entrepreneurship Knowledge, Self-Efficacy and Creativity on Entrepreneurial Intentions consisting of lecturers and students (Ananda Setiawan, Muhammad Rahmattullah, Ayu Nadia, and Indah Mauliya); and silver medal team 2 with the title Enterprises (Bumdes) and Joint Village-Owned Enterprises (Bumdesma) to Improve the Village Economy consisting of lecturers and students (Monry Fraick Nicky Gillian Ratumbusyang, Dwi Atmono, Mahmudah Hasanah, Maulana Rizky, Alfi Fadhiah Hakim, and Ana Aulia).
Regarding this victory, Secretary of PS Penko, Ananda Setiawan expressed his joy. According to him, PS Penko FKIP ULM always supports lecturers, education staff, and students to be able to excel nationally and internationally. “Alhamdullillah, thanks to all the hard work of the academic community of PS Penko Education, lecturers, education staff, and students can win medals in this competition. This achievement is the result of the commitment of study program managers, lecturers, staff and students to always collaborate in the fields of education, research, and community service. Hopefully, this achievement will not stop here, there are still many other competitions at the national and international levels that must be followed and won,” he said.
One of the participating students, Siti Aisyah also expressed her gratitude for this victory. She admitted that she did not expect to get a medal because this was her first time participating in an international event. She was also grateful for being given the opportunity to participate because it became a valuable experience and opportunity for her. “Gratitude to Allah swt. for giving the opportunity and ease to get to this point. Thank you to my parents who always support me, and the lecturers who have guided and directed me and my close friends who provide support to me,” she said.
Congratulations to the winners, hopefully you can continue to make achievements and be an inspiration for others. (admin)