Banjarmasin – In the ongoing process towards international accreditation of 9 Study Programs (PS) within the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Universitas Lambung Mangkurat (ULM), the Dean of FKIP, Sunarno Basuki invited the PS Coordinator (Korprodi) from 9 PS in a preparatory meeting based on a request from the Head of the ULM Quality Assurance and Learning Development Institute (LPMPP), Agung Nugroho. The meeting was attended by LPMP elements led by its chairman Agung Nugroho; FKIP ULM leadership elements, namely the Dean, Sunarno Basuki; Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Deasy Arisanty; Deputy Dean for General and Financial Affairs, Dharmono; Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni, Ali Rachman; FKIP ULM Quality Assurance Unit (UPM) team: Ananda Setiawan, Saiyidah Mahtari, Nurul Hidayati Utami, Sauqina, Tika Puspita Widya Rini, Muhammad Muhaimin, Meliani Aini, and Imelda Indah Savitri; as well as Korprodi from 9 PS that will follow international accreditation including from PS Pancasila and Citizenship Education (PPKn), Mariatul Kiptiah; PS History Education, Melisa Prawitasari; PS Geography Education represented by the PS secretary (Sekpro), Nevy Farista Aristin; PS Soisology Education, Rochgiyanti; PS Economics Education represented by the Secretary and at the same time also the Chairperson of the UPM FKIP ULM, Ananda Setiawan; PS Social Science Education (IPS), Mutiani; PS Performing Arts Education, Muhammad Budi Zakia Sani; PS Indonesian Language and Literature Education represented by the Secretary, Lita Luthfiyanti; and English Education represented by the treasurer, Elsa Rosalina.
In the meeting, a timeline was agreed upon for the PS to prepare for accreditation. From there it can be seen, a number of things have begun to be prepared since May this year, starting from the selection of allied PSs, OBE curriculum training, bilingualizing all quality documents and PS websites into Indonesian-English which also began in May, registration with the international accreditation agency ACQUIN (The Accreditation, Certification and Quality Assurance Institute), uploading documents in July, ACQUIN visitation in September, and the decision on accreditation results in December this year as well.
According to the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Deasy Arisanty, the Faculty encourages 4 PSs that have prepared themselves since the previous two years, namely PS PPKn, PS History Education, PS Sociology Education, and PS Economics Education to assist PSs that are just in the process so that they can help each other in terms of readiness. “UPM is also ready to assist the international accreditation task force team in each study program,” she said.
Meanwhile, according to UPM chairman Ananda Setiawan, FETT is expected to prepare a SAR(Self Assessment Report) which is targeted to be uploaded by the end of July 2024. “FETT is considered to meet the criteria to be accredited by international accreditors. It is also expected to be able to improve the University’s KPI. These 9 existing PSs will be submitted to ACQUIN as 1 cluster,” he added. (admin)