FETT ULM Senate Holds Meeting to Discuss Independent Internship MBKM Guidelines


Senate meeting atmosphere
FETT ULM MBKM Unit Manager at the senate meeting

Banjarmasin – The Senate of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) again held a plenary meeting to discuss the draft rules at the faculty level on Monday, July 8, 2024. This time the meeting was held with the Merdeka Campus Learning Unit (MBKM) starting at 10.00 WITA in the senate meeting room. The agenda for this meeting is the discussion of the Independent Internship Guidelines document.

The meeting was attended by the MBKM team, namely the chairperson, Raisa Fadilla; secretary, Rizky Febriyani Putri, Arum Murdianingsih, and Hendro Yulius Suryo Putro. Meanwhile, the senate members who attended were 22 out of 52 people consisting of professors, heads of departments, and representatives of Study Programs (PS).

The meeting was opened by the Chairman of the Senate who is also a Professor of Pancasila and Citizenship Education (PPKn), Wahyu. Dean of FKIP ULM who is also a Professor of Physical Education, Sunarno Basuki was asked to give an introduction. In the discussion, a number of inputs were submitted, including by Professors, Jumadi, Aminuddin Prahatama Putra, Rusma Noortyani; as well as other members such as Dharmono, Utomo, and Baseran. Some of the inputs included the course recognition for this independent internship program, the position of the internship against other types of MBKM such as Teaching Assistance, as well as more technical issues related to the writing of flow charts.

These inputs and suggestions were outlined in Senate Meeting Decision number 64/UN8.1.2/SENAT FKIP/2024 signed by the chairman of the senate. This decision notes a number of the above inputs including the importance of strengthening the competencies that students are expected to have after participating in the internship program, and the need to include a legal basis in these guidelines. The decision also recommended that faculty leaders implement the results of the meeting. The decision also clarifies that the senate has carried out its supervisory function. (admin)