Lombok – A team of students from three Study Programs (PS) within the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Universitas Lambung Mangkurat (ULM), namely Ezer Ayusalin Nazara and Willy Selpriani Zalukhu from PS Geography Education, Alvince Stevani Lase and Eirene Kardiani Zalukhu from PS Pend. Chemistry, and Yarni Ester Gea from Sociology Education under the guidance of Geography Education lecturer, Nevy Farista Aristin participated in the Mandalika Essay Competition 4 National Level which is one of the annual programs of the Nusantara Muda Institute in collaboration with the Faculty of Agriculture, Nadhlatul Wathan University Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). The team won a bronze medal and became the favorite winner of the tourism and culture poster.
The team started creating ideas related to the field that was followed in the last seconds of collecting competition materials in December 2023. January 22, 2024, the team received the results of the announcement, and finally qualified and had the opportunity to take part in a live presentation in Lombok. The team was represented by Ezer to take part in the finals in Lombok on March 2-4, 2024. out of 1,036 applicants, the team managed to qualify along with 349 others.
Regarding this achievement, Nevy’s supervisor admitted that he was very grateful, “Alhamdulillah for the bronze medal and favorite winner of the tourism and culture poster at the Mandalika Essay Competition 4 at the national level, Lombok for the team led by Ezer Ayu Salin Nazara, a Geography Education student at FKIP ULM. The team’s achievements did not escape the support of the Dean and Vice Deans of FKIP ULM to the Korprodi. Efforts and prayers from all parties are also part of this achievement.
As the supervisor of this team, I am very proud of what Ezer and his friends have achieved in this national essay competition. This competition was attended by several well-known campuses in Indonesia. This is one proof that we can compete with the best campuses in Indonesia and bring ULM’s name to the national arena. Mandalika Essay Competition is one of the competitions that provides an opportunity for students to issue creative ideas to support tourism and culture in Indonesia. Lots of brilliant ideas from fellow students expressed in the form of essays in this competition need to be supported by related institutions to improve tourism and culture in Indonesia. In addition, this competition is one of the events to improve students’ 6C competencies in the 4.0 education era. However, this is not the final result for us, but this is a spark for our team to continue to make achievements and bring the name of the geography education study program, FKIP, and ULM at the national and international levels,” he said.
Congratulations to the team, may they continue to make achievements and become an inspiration for others. (Admin).