Banjarmasin – The Computer-Based Written Test (UTBK) for National Test-Based Selection (SNBT) will be held again for 2024. This test was held simultaneously at a number of universities in Indonesia including Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM). 9,484 were registered as participants who took the UTBK at ULM. They came from various regions in Indonesia, especially South Kalimantan. The test was held in 2 waves with 13 sessions in 10 locations of computer-based test facilities owned by ULM including at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP). Each session will be attended by 755 participants. The first wave was held for 7 days on April 30 and May 2-7, while the second wave is planned for May 14-20. The test materials given to participants are (1) Scholastic Potential Test (TPS), (2) Indonesian Literacy, (3) English Literacy, and (4) Mathematical Reasoning.
In FETT, UTBK was held in 6 computer laboratories (labkom), namely the labkom of the Mathematics Education Study Program (PS), the labkom of Economics Science Education, the labkom of Computer Education PS, the labkom of Educational Technology PS, the labkom of Mathematics Science Education, and the labkom of Elementary School Teacher Education PS (PGSD) on the 1st and 2nd floors. Each room used for UTBK was managed by exam supervisors consisting of lecturers and heads of FKIP subdivisions. The head in this case acts as the location in charge.
On the first day, the implementation of UTBK in FETT was directly monitored by the Vice Chancellor for Cooperation, Public Relations, and Information Systems, Yusuf Azis, who was accompanied by the Vice Dean of FETT ULM for General and Financial Affairs, Dharmono. In his statement, Dharmono said that FETT in providing infrastructure, FETT is fully prepared and strives to provide the best service for participants.
Meanwhile, according to the Head of the General Subdivision and State Property (BMN), Isnawati, in preparing the infrastructure (sarpras) for UTBK, she coordinated with the leadership, both the Deputy Dean for General and Financial Affairs, Dharmono, and the Head of General Affairs, Ani Isdiati Basri. “First of all, we evaluate the previous UTBK implementation to see what needs to be addressed or improved. Because we already have experience, the preparation will be easier. This preparation itself was carried out a week earlier.
The team in charge of this preparation consisted of FETT education staff from all subdivisions including the Academic subdivision, General and BMN subdivisions, Finance and Personnel subdivisions, and Student and Alumni subdivisions. The field committee includes the field team and cleaning team led by Aliansyah, the security team led by Sainul, the electrician team led by Setiono, the consumption team and the ICT (information and communication technology) team led by the Head of the Information Communication Technology (ICT) Unit, Nuruddin Wiranda who manages ICT in FKIP assisted by ICT staff, Ponco Sisworo for ICT management in FKIP PS PGSD.
Each team has a vital role in the technical implementation of UTBK including directing and assisting participants who come so that they are not confused. “Based on previous experience, this confusion often occurs for prospective participants who have not previously checked the room. The field team also helps direct what participants must do in accordance with the rules of organizing the exam. The cleaning team ensures that the room is clean and sterile before and after the test, other teams also work together in the smooth implementation of this UTBK. “Isnawati added. According to him, the members of the implementation team play an important role in the implementation of UTBK.
Congratulations on undergoing UTBK for all participants, hopefully you will get the test results as expected. (admin)