Banjarmasin – The vocal group of the Performing Arts Education Study Program (PS) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Universitas Lambung Mangkurat (ULM), ‘Swara Banua Group’ (SBG) won 1st runner-up in the vocal group competition which was attended by various teams of vocal groups from public and private universities at the national level, FSPI (Festival Seni Pertunjukan Indonesia) held by Yogyakarta State University (UNY) online from March 29 to May 24, 2024. This competition went through 2 stages, the preliminary and final stages. SBG PS PSP entered the top 7 finalists in the preliminary stage and won 1st runner-up in the final. In addition, another PSP student, Husni Arifin, was selected as the 2nd runner-up in the male seriosa singer category after entering the top 6 in the preliminary round of the same competition. SBG performed the song “Welcome to Banjarmasin” by Noorhasan, and Husni Arifin performed the song “Kisah Angin Malam” by Tjip Iskandar.
Those who made it to the final stage include Udayana University vocal group as the first winner, UNY vocal group as the second winner, Gajah Mada University (UGM) vocal group as the third winner; ULM vocal group as the first runner-up, and Safudin Zuhri State Islamic University (UIN) vocal group, Purwekerto. While the winners of the men’s serioan included UNY representatives as 1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place, and 1st runner-up, and ULM representatives as 2nd runner-up.
Meanwhile, according to Sherly Nur Hikmah, PSP lecturer who is also the coach of the vocal group and male seriosa singers, said that this event was the second time they participated. She is grateful for winning in each participation. “For this year, the bonus is the male seriosa who succeeded from dozens of participants from various campuses. For his size as a beginner in singing seriosa it is extraordinary. One thing I learned from this event, it turns out that the talent of our students is not inferior to friends from other provinces.
We do not forget to thank the technical and management support from PSP lecturers, faculty leaders, as well as the rector and vice rector for student affairs and alumni, so that we can practice and process smoothly. If the coaching and management support from the campus can be more sustainable and consistent, God willing, in the future we can be even better in achieving achievements,” he added.
Congratulations to the winners, may they continue to make achievements and inspire others. (admin)