Banjarmasin, Banjar Regency – In order to carry out the annual program as well as a manifestation of social solidarity with others, the Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) held social visits to two orphanages. According to one of the administrators of the DWP, Ani Isdiati Basri, who is also the Acting Head of the General Section, the orphanages targeted by this annual social assistance program are orphanages that do not have permanent donors so that the assistance provided will be maximized. The assistance provided is the result of fundraising by DWP FKIP ULM members who are willing to make donations.
DWP FKIP ULM administrators who attended this activity included Rabiatul, Inuriya Verawati, Ani Isdiati, Rabiatul Adawiyah, Isnawati, Ida Auliani, Ita Rosita, Edlin Yanuar, and Asniwati. The two orphanages they visited were Amanah Insani Banjarmasin Orphanage located in AMD Permai Complex, Banjarmasin, and Ibnu Ruslan Asy Syafiiyah orphanage and boarding school in Gambut Subdistrict, Banjar Regency. Symbolically, the assistance was handed over by Rabiatul who is the 1st Vice Chair and Inuriya Verawati who is the 2nd Vice Chair of DWP FKIP ULM. (admin)