Hima PPKn Titles “Berkibar”


Material Provision activities of BERKIBAR Hima PPKn FKIP ULM activities (doc. committee)
BERKIBAR Hima PPKn FKIP ULM field activities (doc. committee)

The Pancasila and Citizenship Education Student Association (Hima PPKn) of the Pancasila and Citizenship Education (PPKn) Study Program (PS), Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) held BERKIBAR (Basic Development Leadership Training) 2024 which was held on Wednesday-Thursday, 3-4 January 2024 in two places, FKIP ULM PPKn Laboratory and Agripeka Puspitek Faperta ULM, Sungai Riam, Pelaihari. The theme carried out in this year’s activity is “PROLOG CIVICS 2.3: Introduction to Leadership Variety to Realize Glorious Solidarity”.

On this occasion, the Chief Executive of the Activity Alfiannor conveyed his message and hopes to all BERKIBAR 2024 participants. “I hope that this activity can form cadres who have a leadership attitude with integrity and a high sense of solidarity, and my hope is that this activity can become a forum for learning that will not be obtained in lecture material in facing the challenges that will exist later as a class,” he said.

The first series of agendas in this activity was the Fluttering Material Class which was held at the FKIP ULM Civics Laboratory. This initial activity was in the form of providing material both related to the organization of Hima, as well as related to the field of Civics. The provision of this material itself is carried out within a period of 3 weeks with different material each week. The second series of activities was carried out at the Agripeka Puspitek Farm of Faperta ULM, Sungai Riam, Pelaihari for a period of 2 days and 1 night with activities in the form of implementing the material that had been given for the previous 3 weeks. In this second series of activities, there are various activities such as games that are packaged by providing crossword puzzles and solidarity games that will strengthen the solidity and sense of kinship of BERKIBAR 2024 participants. In addition, the most anticipated activity is the Art Performance Night, which provides a platform for BERKIBAR 2024 participants to showcase their talents, ranging from dance, music, drama, to stand up comedy. Not only that, in this art performance night there were also performances from PS PPKn FKIP ULM Lecturers. This activity then ended with shaking hands between the committee and participants and the distribution of clothes for new students as a symbol of being part of the FKIP ULM Civics family. (admin)