Banjarmasin – The Senate of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) on Tuesday, July 30, 2024 starting at 09.45 WITA in the senate meeting room, held a plenary meeting to discuss the draft of a number of faculty guidelines. The draft guidelines were submitted by the Quality Assurance Unit (UPM) of FKIP ULM. The proposed draft guidelines include student workload guidelines, Occupational Health and Safety (K3) guidelines, disability guidelines, and guidelines for preparing study program performance reports.
The meeting was attended by the UMP team, namely the chairman, Ananda Setiawan; and its members Saiyidah Mahtari, Nurul Hidayati Utami, Tika Puspita Widya Rini, Meiliani, and Imelda Indah Savitri. Meanwhile, the senate members who attended were 25 out of 52 people consisting of professors, heads of departments, and representatives of Study Programs (PS).
The meeting was opened by the Secretary of the Senate who is also a Professor of English Education, Fatchul Muin. In the discussion, a number of inputs were submitted, including by the Professors, Jumadi, Bambang Subiyakto, Abdul Mut’him, and other members such as Sabhan, Rusmansyah, Syahmani. Some of the inputs included improvements in writing, a number of substances and completeness, as well as the need to prepare infrastructure that supports the good implementation of these guidelines.
These inputs and suggestions were outlined in the Senate Meeting Decision number 66/UN8.1.2/SENAT FKIP/2024 signed by the chairman of the senate. This decision recommends that the faculty leaders implement the results of the meeting. This decision also explains that the senate has carried out its supervisory function.
Regarding the smooth running of this meeting, UPM Chairperson, Ananda Setiawan expressed his gratitude. “Alhamdulillah, all documents were accepted to be ratified by the senate, we received several notes of improvement from the forum. I believe the documents we have made are not perfect, with this input, we will improve the documents so that they can then be massively socialized to the entire academic community of FKIP ULM. My hope is that all documents made by the FETT ULM UPM team can be implemented and can increase competitiveness and be able to compete at the national and international levels,” he said. (admin)