Banjarmasin – Glorious achievements have been made by students of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) at the 2024 Google Educator Group College Competititon (GEGCC) international competition. The FETT ULM student team consisting of 2 students of the Primary School Teacher Education (PGSD) Study Program (PS), namely Ahmad Seman and Afridha Risa Aliya and 1 student of the English Education Study Program, Meyklen Sulawati with the supervision of PGSD PS lecturers, Yogi Prihandoko and Herti Prastitasari, won a silver medal in this competition with an essay entitled “E-Library to Improve Digital Literacy in Primary School for the Next Generation.”
GEGCC 2024 is an international student competition organized by Google Educator Group (GEG) Surabaya in collaboration with the Directorate General of Informatics Applications; Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia; Universiti Putra Malaysia; University of the Immaculate Conception, Philippines; Surya Putra Academy; and Adicita Winaya Guna Foundation. GEGCC 2024 carries the main theme of “Future Education”. The competition provides three sub-theme options namely: 1) Education System to Create Golden Generation; 2) Digital Innovation to Increase Literacy and Numeracy; and 3) Project Based Development to Improve Character Skill.
According to one of the supervisors, Yogi, the selection of the essay title was motivated by the less than optimal library management in elementary schools. Libraries should be a means of improving literacy culture, but the practice in elementary schools in general, libraries are still less vital. Our idea is to change the negative paradigm of school libraries that contain outdated books and lack of visitors. Through a library with a digital base, it will certainly improve the literacy skills as well as digital competence of elementary school students. In addition, the essay is also relevant to the fact that literacy scores on elementary school report cards are still not optimal. “We prepare to write essays for approximately 1 month with online guidance through zoom meetings. In addition to writing skills, presentation exercises are also intensively carried out considering that this competition is international level so that the entire series of presentation and essay activities use English. This is the first time for our students to participate in an international level competition,” he explained.
Regarding this victory, team leader Ahmad Seman expressed his joy and appreciation for the support of all parties. “Alhamdulilah, I would like to thank the Google Education Group Surabaya committee and Kominfo as well as other parties who helped organize this activity. Thank you to our team mentors Ms. Herti and Mr. Yogi. On behalf of my team, Meyklen and Afridha, after winning second place in category 1, I was very happy, I didn’t expect to win. This is a very valuable first experience for me. Hopefully in the future I will be better prepared, learn more. That’s all from me, I thank you,” she said.
Congratulations to the winners and supervisors. Hopefully, they will continue to make achievements and become an inspiration for all. (admin)