JPOK students win most gold medals in national gymnastics competition


One of the teams participating in the competition (doc. Eka Purnama Indah)

Banjarbaru – For more than a month, the Department of Sports and Health Education (JPOK), Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Universitas Lambung Mangkurat (ULM) held a National Gymnastics Competition which was held online. The participants recorded gymnastic demonstrations and then sent them to the committee. There were 12 types of gymnastics competed, namely dance fitness, Gemu Fami Re, Hip Hop, Poco Poco GWR 2018, Zumba, Gelora, creation gymnastics, SKJ 2021, line dance, Sajojo, Cha-cha, and Tobelo. The competition was conducted in groups and attended by 45 teams from 8 universities. The timeline of this activity is registration: april 23-May 19, Technical Meeting: may 20, video submission: april 23-May 22, judging May 23-24, and announcement May 25.

The results of the competition were very encouraging, JPOK FKIP ULM won the most gold in a number of branches of the competition. JPOK FKIP ULM itself included 8 teams, and won 5 gold medals, 2 silver medals, and 0 bronze; followed by Jambi University with 4 gold medals, 3 silver medals, and 1 bronze; Semarang State University with 3 gold medals, 3 silver medals, and 6 bronze; Aisyiyah Pontianak Polytechnic with 0 gold medals, 1 silver medal, and 0 bronze; and Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia with 0 gold medals, 0 silver medals, and 1 bronze. On the other hand, several universities that participated in the competition failed to get a medal.

Congratulations to the winners, may they continue to make achievements and become an inspiration for others. (admin)