PS PGSD FKIP ULM Students Win 1st Place in UPA BK ULM National Level Competition


Elma Mufida, 1st winner of the Scientific Writing Competition (LKTI) at the national level of UPA BK ULM (doc. Ali Rachman)

Banjarmasin – Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD) Study Program student from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Universitas Lambung Mangkurat (ULM), Elma Mufida won 1st place in the Scientific Writing Competition (LKTI) at the national level held by the Academic Assistance Unit (UPA) Guidance Counseling (BK) Universitas Lambung Mangkurat (ULM). Second place went to Nisrina Khairani & Sisi Aprianti from Jakarta State University, and third place went to Silandi Ayu Setyo Budi & Indah Setiya Rahayu from Surabaya State University. Elma’s winning work entitled “Cyber Sexual Harassment Among Elementary School Students: A Case Study in Banjarmasin City” was mentored by PGSD PS lecturers, Herti Prastitasari and Yogi Prihandoko.

This LKTI competition is part of a series of National Media Competitions held by UPA FKIP ULM in addition to videos and posters. Participants came from outside Kalimantan, starting from Sumatra, Java, and regional Kalimantan and Sulawesi. According to the head of UPA BK ULM who is also the acting Secretary of the Department of Education Science (JIP) FKIP ULM, Ririanti Rachmayanie Jamain, this competition aims to develop students’ interests and talents, provide opportunities for students to compete so that they can measure their abilities, and also to help achieve ULM’s Main Performance Indicators (IKU). The expectedimpact of this activity is that students become more active in participating in competitions and as a medium for socializing UPA BK ULM. Students know the existence of UPA BK ULM whose main task is to provide guidance and counseling services to the ULM academic community. The competition held by UPA BK is free and gets prize money in addition to certificates and trophies,” he added.

Congratulations to the winners and supervising lecturers. Hopefully it will continue to make achievements and provide inspiration for others. (admin)