The student team of the Educational Technology Study Program (Tekpen) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) won first place in the EduTech Series Competition Volume 1 Learning Media Competition organized by the Indonesian Educational Technology Student Association (IMATEPSI) on May 19-20, 2024 at Surabaya State University (Unesa) as well as a series of IIMATEPSI’s VIIIth National Coordination Meeting (RAKORNAS). This outstanding student team is Muhammad Rizal, Akhmad Fadhil Amara, Arif Rahman and Muhammad Ihsan. They managed to outperform the second winner, the TPionir team from Jakarta State University (UNJ) and the third winner, the Jogja Jaya team from Yogya State University (UNY).
The learning media with the title Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation in South Kalimantan developed by this team is a computer-based interactive learning media for Geography Class XI SMA Chapter 4 on the topic of Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation. Team Leader, Muhammad Rizal said that the development of this learning media uses several applications. “We use the articulate storyline application as the main application for making this learning media. While some supporting applications are corel draw, adobe premiere and adobe audition. The making of this learning media takes five days of effective time if only making the learning media, but the brainstorming to finishing stage takes about ten days from May 4, 2024 to May 14, 2024.” he said.
“Actually, the learning material in the package book discusses the definition of disasters, types of disasters, the distribution of disasters in Indonesia, disaster mitigation and disaster adaptation, but we do not lift all of these materials into the learning media that we develop, because this development is aimed at high school students in South Kalimantan, so in disaster mitigation and adaptation material we focus on disasters in South Kalimantan such as flooding, drought, land and forest fires,” added Rizal.
Muhammad Rizal is also the 3rd outstanding student of Lambung Mangkurat University in 2023. He has also won several national learning media competitions, namely 2nd place Physics Star Jambi University, 3rd place Sriwijaya University Education Festival, 1st place Educational Days Lambung Mangkurat University and 1st place Lambung Mangkurat University Learning Technology Developer Festival.
Another team member, Akhmad Fadhil Amara, who currently serves as Chairperson of the Education Technology Student Association at FKIP ULM, admitted that this was his first experience in participating in a learning media competition. “My feelings after winning the first learning media competition were certainly very excited because it was a new thing to participate in the learning media competition and was immediately given the trust to become the first winner. This will definitely be my first step to continue working, especially for my beloved Education Technology study program,” he concluded.
EduTech Series Competition itself is one of the work programs of the IMATEPSI PSDM Deputy for the period 2022 to 2025 which aims to improve the competence of Educational Technology students through series competition activities which are held once every 4 months for 4 times with various branches of competition, namely posters, photography and learning media. EduTech Series Competition Vol 1 Coordinator, Muhammad Aldi explained that the purpose of organizing this activity is to increase students’ interests and abilities, especially in the field of educational technology “The reason for the Edutech Series Competition activity is to increase students’ interests and abilities in the field of educational technology, facilitate the development of digital skills, and promote innovation among students. This competition also aims to identify and appreciate young talents with potential in the field of technology,” he concluded. (writing contributor: Himatekpen FKIP ULM)
Congratulations to the winners. Hopefully, they will continue to make achievements and become an inspiration for others.