Banjarmasin – Muhammad Rizal and Zairida Isra Alifa who are members of the Educational Technology Assembly Team (Tekpen) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) again made a proud achievement for the campus. This PS Tekpen student won 1st place in the Best Learning Media Design Content at the National Level in the Gebyar Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching Sciences (FTIK) event organized by the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Ternate.
The Learning Media Design Competition is part of a series of events at IAIN Ternate’s Gebyar FTIK which aims to serve as a forum for student creativity in developing effective, innovative, and creative learning media for the advancement of education in Indonesia. The competition with the theme “Building Character through Creative Learning Media” was held online from June 2-12, 2024.
The Head of the Educational Technology Assembly Team, Rizal, revealed that this is the fourth achievement he has achieved in the past month “Alhamdulillah, this time we managed to get extraordinary appreciation from FTIK IAIN Ternate. Surely this achievement is the fruit of the hard work we have done so far. In just one month we got 4 national achievements, of course a lot of hard work and effort must be done to complete media after media for some of these competitions. So maybe what needs to be seen is not only the results, but the process that has been passed so far,” he said.
“Although we are currently in the 8th semester and are in the stage of completing our studies, we are committed to contributing our best. We want to continue to bring the name of our beloved campus. It doesn’t feel like it’s been since 2021 when we participated in the first learning media competition. We received appreciation at Jambi University, now, thank God, we have arrived at IAIN Ternate,” he added.
Muhammad Rizal and Zairida Isra Alifa through the Educational Technology Assembly Team have previously made many achievements such as 2nd place in the Physics Star Teta Learning Media Competition at Jambi University, 1st place in the Learning Media Competition for the Learning Technology Developers Festival (FETEPERS) at Lambung Mangkurat University, 1st place in the Educational Days Learning Media Competition for FKIP Teaching UKM, 3rd place in the Learning Media Competition (ICT) Festival of Education UKM UNSRI Teaching, 1st place in the National Learning Media Competition EduTech Series Competition Vol 1 Indonesian Educational Technology Student Association (IMATEPSI) at Surabaya State University, 1st place in the National Digital Learning Media Competition Aruh Bubuhan Sociology XV Twilight HMPS Lambung Mangkurat University. (Contributor: Hima Tekpen FKIP ULM)
Congratulations to the winners. Hopefully it will continue to make achievements and provide inspiration for others. (admin)