Banjarmasin: Since Monday, March 13, 2023, 117 school coordinating lecturers who have been appointed by the Freedom Campus Learning Unit (MBKM) have started Teaching Assistance (AM) activities with the process of officially delivering students to AM partner schools. Several lecturers who on Monday sent students to partner schools included Agus Salim at SMPN 1 Mulawarman, Tutung Nurdiana at SMPN 5 Banjarmasin, Nina Permatasari at SMAN 3 Banjarmasin, Rusma Noortyani at SMKN 4 Banjarmasin, Mahmudah Hasanah at SMAN 1 Gambut, Rina Listia at SMK Telkom Banjarbaru, Ahsani Taqwiem at SMAN 12 Banjarmasin, Deasy Arisanty at SMAN 1 Mandastana, Rochgiyanti at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Banjarmasin, Harpani at SMPN 10 Banjarmasin, Utomo at SDN 1 Sungai Besar Banjarbaru, and several other coordinating lecturers who also participated deliver.
According to the head of MBKM, Jumariati, this delivery activity takes place flexibly by adjusting the school schedule because certain schools carry out exams. This delivery activity will start good communication and coordination between campuses and schools regarding implementing the inaugural MBKM AM.
Tutung Nurdiana, one of the AM coordinating lecturers who accompanied students, shared his experience in the delivery process at SMPN 5 Banjarmasin. According to him, the school welcomes students who come to do MBKM AM. “At 9:00 a.m., I was greeted directly by the principal and teaching staff. This teaching assistance activity is indeed something new, but the school is enthusiastic about accepting students,” he explained. (admin)