National Level MTQM Champion

Congratulations to the National MTQM winners at Lambung Mangkurat University

1st Winner of Musabaqah Scientific Writing on the Contents of the Qur’an – Nickita Anastasia Fadil(Biology Education)

Champion of Hope 1 Team 2 Musabaqah Syahril Qur’an – Adidah Rizqiah(Educational Technology)

Champion of Hope 2 Musabaqah Scientific Writing on the Content of the Qur’an – Zahra Azizah(Chemical Education)

Champion of Hope 3 Musabaqah Tartilil Qur’an Putri – Nur Mayka Ramadina(Biology Education)

1st winner Syarhil Qur’an TEAM 1 – Muhammad Rizki

Champion of Hope 1 Syarhil Qur’an TEAM 2 – Alfina Damayanti