Banjarmasin – Four universities in Indonesia, namely Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM), Gorontalo University (UNG), Malikul Shaleh University, and Raden Fatah State Islamic University (UIN), successfully organized the 2024 Chemistry Education Collaboration National Seminar. The seminar, which was initiated by the Chemistry Education Study Program (PS) of ULM’s Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), carried the theme “Trends in Chemistry Research and Chemical Education Towards a Golden Indonesia 2045,” taking place in a hybrid manner in the Hasan Bondan Hall of FKIP ULM and through the Zoom Meeting platform.
The event, held on Saturday, June 22, 2024, was attended by 286 participants with 91 of them as presenters who joined both offline and online. The event began with remarks from the committee chairman, Rusmansyah, who emphasized the importance of collaboration between institutions in scientific forums. “This collaboration not only strengthens academic networks, but also opens up opportunities for innovation and broader research development,” he said.
Furthermore, the Chairperson of the Chemistry Education Division, Indonesian Chemistry Association, Professor Suyanta gave a speech and officially opened the event. He appreciated the collaboration of seminars by four campuses from western, central, and eastern Indonesia. “This is a step forward in creating strong synergies between universities to jointly face challenges and take advantage of opportunities in the field of chemical education and research,” he said.
The core event began with the presentation of material by two keynote speakers who are very experienced in the field of Chemistry Education and Chemical Sciences, guided by moderator Yogo Dwi Prasetyo. The first speaker, Yuli Rahmawati, an expert in the field of chemistry education and teaching, Professor of the State University of Jakarta (UNJ), delivered material related to chemical education research trends towards the Golden Indonesia 2045. “Chemistry education must be adaptive to technological developments and teaching methodologies to produce a golden generation that is ready to compete in the global arena,” she said.
The second speaker, Muhammad Abdulkadir Martoprawiro, an expert in the field of chemistry from the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), presented material on the direction of chemical research development in Indonesia towards the Golden Indonesia 2045. “Chemical research must focus on sustainable innovation and practical applications that can have a real impact on society and industry,” he said.
After resting, praying, and eating (ishoma), the event continued with a national seminar parallel session that presented 9 invited speakers from ULM, UNG, Malikul Shaleh University, and UIN Raden Patah. In addition, 91 presenters also delivered their research results related to chemistry and chemical education.
The event ended with the conclusion that synergy and collaboration between higher education institutions are very important in facing global challenges and achieving national goals. All participants agreed that this kind of collaboration needs to be continued and improved in the future. (Contributor: Yogo Dwi Prasetyo)