Banjarmasin: Tuesday and Wednesday, 7-8 March 2023, the Academic Subdivision of the Teaching and Education Faculty (FKIP) of Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) held training activities on using the MBKM application and improving PEPA data (Monitoring and Evaluation of Accreditation Ratings). This activity was held at the Cendana Ballroom, Hotel Treepark Banjarmasin. This training aims to provide the understanding and technical skills regarding the use of the MBKM application and data alignment of the ULM Integrated Information System (Simari) with the Higher Education Database (PD Dikti) feeder regarding data required for PEPA by the National Accreditation Board (BAN) for Higher Education (PT) ) as part of the ULM re-accreditation process.
Participants in this activity totalled 30 people consisting of the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Atiek Winarti; Sub-coordinator of the Academic Subdivision, Akmil Fuadi Rahman; 21 study program operators/administrators (PS) within FKIP ULM; MBKM unit managers, Hendro Yulius (secretary), Abdurrahim Alimin (staff); ICT unit managers, Rizky Pamuji (secretary), Ponco Sisworo (staff); and operators of 22 Study Programs (PS) within FKIP ULM. This event was opened by the Dean of FKIP ULM, Chairil Faif Pasani.
In his remarks, Faif Pasani said that this activity was essential to tidy up PD Dikti’s data through Simari so that student data was indeed what it was. “Students who have graduated are written as graduated or finished, students who have left are recorded as having left, and students who are still active are registered as active. This correct data is really needed so that at the time of the PEPA by BAN-PT, in terms of study time the students are indeed valid and the accreditation rating is maintained A, and they can even excel. For this reason, the work of study program data operators in this regard greatly determines ULM qualifications. I thank you for your dedication and the resource person from the Chancellor,” he said.
This training consists of three parts. The first is training on using the MBKM application by resource persons from ULM’s Information and Communication Technology Development Technical Assistance Unit (UPT PTIK), Untung Simpati Bimantara. The second part is socialization about Simari OBE (Outcome Based Education) delivered by the ULM Quality Assurance Institute (LPM) staff, Muzdalifah. The last part of this series of training activities is PEPA data repair. (admin)