Preparing for SEA Teacher, FETT ULM Leaders Meet with ISAT-U International Affairs


Meeting at the Utility Building Meeting Room of FETT ULM
Closing Meeting in Zoom Conference Room

Banjarmasin, Iloilo – The leaders of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM), namely the Dean, Sunarno Basuki; Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Deasy Arisanty; Deputy Dean for General and Financial Affairs, Dharmono, and Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni, Ali Rachman with the Head of the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka Unit (MBKM), Raisa Fadilla; Head of the Cooperation and Public Relations Management Unit (UPKH), Emma Rosana Febriyanti, and Secretary of Public Relations (Humas) UPKH, Dewi Alfianti held an online meeting via zoom conference with the International Affairs Bureau of Iloilo Science and Technology University (ISAT-U), Philippines. From ISAT-U, attendees included Jun Badoles, Hiponia Mabaquiao, Ronalin Alyndogan, Jieza Napone.

This meeting discussed the cooperation of SEA (South East Asia) Teacher student exchange or commonly called Pre-Service Student Teacher Exchange in Southeast Asia. SEA Teacher itself is an ongoing program of the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO). An organization founded in 1965 and involving countries in Southeast Asia to promote cooperation in education, science and culture in member countries. FETT ULM and ISAT-U are campuses that are members of this SEA Teacher program. FETT ULM itself has even participated in this SEA Teacher program since 2016.

A number of things were discussed in this meeting, including an agreement to send students from FKIP ULM to ISAT-U in September as many as 3 students consisting of 1 student of the Computer Education Study Program (PS), 1 student of the Performing Arts Education Study Program, and 1 Technology student. The meeting also agreed to follow up on the discussion of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) documents. ISAT-U also expects other forms of cooperation such as guest lecturers, joint research, and others. The meeting also discussed technical matters that need to be prepared for the student exchange program such as passports, residence permits, accommodation, and participant interviews.

Dean of FKIP ULM, Sunarno Basuki welcomed the preparation for the implementation of this program. FETT ULM itself has prepared everything so that the program can run well. In achieving KPIs, both KPIs 2, 6, and 8, international level cooperation is important. This existing cooperation opportunity must be utilized as much as possible. (admin)