PS PG PAUD Closes a Series of Superior Predicate Accreditation at FKIP ULM


The atmosphere of PG PAUD Field Accreditation some time ago.

Banjarmasin – After waiting for some time, finally the results of the accreditation process of the Early Childhood Education Teacher Education (PG PAUD) Study Program (PS) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) came out on March 27, 2024. Based on the Decree (SK) of the Education Self-Accreditation Institute (Lamdik) Number 318 / SK / LAMDIK / AK / III / 2024 dated March 26, 2024 regarding the Accreditation of the Early Childhood Education Study Program at the Lambung Mangkurat University Undergraduate Program which won a superior predicate and is valid from April 10, 2024 to April 9, 2029.

This achievement perfected the superior achievements of the previous 8 PS which also won the superior predicate at the beginning of 2024. Welcoming this achievement, Dean of FKIP ULM, Sunarno Basuki expressed his joy and gratitude. According to him, this achievement is the fruit of joint work of all parties involved, starting from the leadership, quality assurance unit, education staff and PS elements concerned. However, according to him, this achievement cannot make us complacent, it must still be improved to international accreditation.

Meanwhile, the Coordinator of PS PG PAUD, Sakerani expressed her gratitude. “Alhamdulillaah wa syukurillaah, good news and blessings come in the month of Ramadan Mubarak. Congratulations on the hard work of the PS Task Force team, thank you very much for the direction of the Dean, WD 1, WD 2, WD 3 and UPM FKIP and also the guidance of Prof. A. Suriansyah, and Mrs. Prof. Hj Aslamiah, so that we can complete the entire series of PG PAUD study program field assessments, and get superior predicates. Hopefully all those involved, both from the dean and Mr. and Mrs. Task Force team, will always be given good health and sustenance for the struggles carried out together, the blessing of Ramadan” (admin)

Announcement of superior PS PG PAUD FKIP ULM on Lamdik Page (doc. UPM)