Banjarmasin – The Teacher Professional Education (PPG) Study Program (PS) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) again held a graduation procession and took professional oaths from PPG Pre-Service Wave 1 students in 2023. These students passed and were entitled to hold the title S.Pd., Gr. This event was held on Saturday, October 12, 2024 at the General Theater Building ULM starting at 08.00 WITA.
This activity was opened by the Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance, Dharmono and attended by the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni, Ali Rachman; FKIP ULM PPG PS Coordinator, Hidayah Ansori and PPG PS managers; PPG Field Coordinator. 397 graduates from 9 fields of study were confirmed in this graduation, including from the fields of study of Indonesian Language, Guidance and Counseling, Natural Sciences (IPA), Social Sciences (IPS), Mathematics, Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD), Physical Education and Health, Pancasila and Citizenship Education (PPKn), and History.
After the official opening, the event was then continued with a report from the organizing committee, in this case by the PPG PS Coordinator, then continued with the taking of professional oaths and the handover of certificates and gordon.
On the occasion of this activity, Hidayah Ansori expressed his hope for the graduates to always maintain the good name of the ULM alma mater wherever they are. He also advised that the graduates could become professional teachers with seriousness to provide knowledge, skills and good attitudes like professional teachers. “Always try to develop yourself to increase knowledge and skills according to the needs of student learning,” he said. (admin)