Banjarmasin – The Association of Indonesian Educational Technology Study Programs (APS-TPI) held a Curriculum Workshop on February 29-March 2, 2024 in Surabaya which was attended by 65 heads of S-1, S-2, and S-3 Educational Technology (Tekpen) Study Programs from various universities throughout Indonesia. This activity was attended by the Coordinator of PS (Korprodi) and lecturers of S-1 Tekpen Faculty of Keguruan and Science Education (FKIP) Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM), Susanti Sufyadi and Qomario. Included in this group, Korprodi and lecturers of the Master of Tekpen Study Program at ULM, Hamsi Mansur and Mastur.
This Curriculum Workshop agreed on the formulation of the PS Tekpen graduate profile for S-1 and S-2, including Edutechnopreneurship and Instructional Leadership. Edutechnopreneurship is defined as the ability to develop business in the field of educational technology, the ability to think critically to produce creative products in the field of educational technology, and the ability to market these products to the user community. Meanwhile, instructional leadership is defined as the ability to lead and work with partners to provide support and guidance in establishing good practices in learning/education and resource development. In addition to these two profiles, other profiles of PS Tekpen are practitioners and researchers in the field of educational technology, educational technology developers, academics, and as educational consultants.
According to Susanti, the formulated profile will be officially included in the Outcome Based Education curriculum because it is considered to be in line with the Graduate Learning Outcomes (CPL) to be achieved. (admin)