Pursuing the 2024 IKU Achievements, FETT ULM Conducts FGDs


Presentation of material by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Deasy Arisanty accompanied by Academic Subdivision staff, Raden Gilang.
Atmosphere of FETT ULM Focus Group Discussion

Banjarmasin – In order to actualize the filling of data on the achievement of the Main Performance Indicators (IKU) for trimester 1 (January-March), trimester II (April-June) and the ongoing trimester III (July-September) in 2024, the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on August 9-10, 2024. This activity was held at the Treepark Hotel starting at 09.00 WITA and was opened by the Dean of FKIP ULM, Sunarno Basuki.

The event was attended by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Deasy Arisanty; Deputy Dean for General and Financial Affairs, Dharmono; and Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni, Ali Rachman; the Study Program Coordinators (Korprodi), Study Program Secretaries (Sekpro), and Study Program admins (PS) in FKIP ULM, as well as the FKIP ULM IKU task force. In his opening remarks, Sunarno Basuki hoped that the IKU achievements at the PS level that had not yet been included in the data collection could be included immediately. He also emphasized the importance of dedication so that the resulting performance is maximized in supporting the achievement of IKU.

In the discussion session, Deasy Arisanty explained about the IKU data for the first trimester that had been filled in, although there were still many that had not been recapitulated from the reports at the PS level because the PS had not yet reported. In the second trimester, most of the data has not yet been reported by the PS. Deasy hopes that although a number of PSs are focusing on preparing for international accreditation, they can still be maximized in reporting IKU data. Deasy admitted that the achievement target, which is increasing from 43 to 75, is not easy. There are many components that must be met, and it requires hard work from all parties. She hopes that the PS can simultaneously report IKu achievements while also fulfilling the achievement targets that have not yet been implemented.