Banjarmasin – The Indonesian Language and Literature Education (PBSI) Study Program of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Universitas Lambung Mangkurat (ULM) held a review of the current curriculum as well as training on improving the Outcome Based Education (OBE) curriculum. This training was held on Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at the Pyramid Hotel starting at 09.00 WITA. The resource person for this activity was a member of the ULM Quality Assurance and Learning Development Institute (LPMPP) as well as the international accreditation task force team for PS History Education FKIP UM, Heri Susanto. The event was opened by the Deputy Dean for General and Financial Affairs, Dharmono and attended by lecturers in the PS PBSI FKIP ULM.
In his opening remarks, Dharmono emphasized the faculty’s support for the 9 PSs that will follow the ACQUIN International Accreditation (AI) process for the social humanities cluster at FKIP ULM, including PS PBSI. He also reiterated the commitment to help complete various facilities and infrastructure including laboratory equipment for PS PBSI. Meanwhile, the Coordinator of PS PBSI, Ahsani Taqwiem conveyed the importance of this activity for PS. “This is a form of joint commitment in an effort to improve the quality of the teaching and learning process at PS PBSI. Increased quality standards are expected to be a momentum to face national and international accreditation which demands outcome-based curriculum standards. This event is also an effort to refresh the enthusiasm of PS PBSI lecturers to revise and adjust it to the latest conditions because learning tools turn out to be an important benchmark in seeing the quality of a study program,” he said.
Ahsani also hopes that in the future, in line with the agreed timeline, meetings related to the improvement of the OBE Semester Learning Plan (RPS) will be intensified while harmonizing various other components of the learning portfolio such as assignment design (rantug), assessment plans and instruments, and also documentation of the implementation of the learning process in PBSI.
In the presentation of resource materials and discussion sessions, the conversation was more directed to discuss technical matters. According to Heri, [it is] important to simplify and focus on the formulation of Graduate Learning Outcomes (LLOs) because LLOs become the main foundation in the learning process. “In the OBE curriculum, the achievement of Course Learning Outcomes (CPMK) must reflect the achievement of the selected SLOs in the course, and everything must be measurable,” he said. Heri also explained about the application of the OBE curriculum assessment in Simari (Integrated Information System) ULM which is different from those that are not OBE curriculum. (admin)