Banjarmasin – The Pancasila and Citizenship Education Student Association (Hima PPKn) of the Pancasila and Citizenship Education (PPKn) Study Program (PS), Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) held an Opening Ceremony Babarakat (Basaing Baramian Rakat) on Saturday, February 17, 2024 at the FKIP ULM PPKn Lab. With the theme “Glorious: Glow of Celebration in Victorious.” This activity was opened by the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni, Ali Rahman.
This activity, which has become a routine agenda, aims to further strengthen the relationship between the big family of Civics Study Program, both students, lecturers, and educational staff (tendik). “We hope that this activity can be a forum for friendship for the big family of the Civics study program so that it can continue to be well established,” said Nazamudin who is the chief executive of the activity.
This activity has a long and diverse series of activities that will end in May. Activities that will be carried out include internal competitions for study programs such as mini soccer, e-sport tournaments, Civics Son and Daughter elections and badminton tournaments. In addition, external competitions will also be held, namely futsal for high school / vocational / MA students in South Kalimantan, creative video competitions at the national level. The peak of the activity is the National Seminar and will be closed with a closing ceremony on the Peak Night. (admin)