Banjarmasin – A team of students from the Geography Education Study Program of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) won a bronze medal at the National Education Competition (NEC) 2 held by Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN), Jakarta. They are Angga Fitriana, Ezer Ayusalin Nazara, Gaza Muhammad Yasin, and Satu Hati Telaumbanua from Geography Education Study Program and Firdamawati, from Sociology Education Study Program. The NEC competition was divided into 2 categories, namely essays and business plans with a total of 94 finalists selected. The event was attended by 72 universities from all over Indonesia with a total of 1600 papers. The Geography Education student team of FKIP ULM successfully entered as a finalist and won a bronze medal for the essay competition category with an essay entitled“Green Flat-Roof Community (GROFCOM): Green Flat Roof Community as an Effort to Mitigate the Urban Hear Island Phenomenon in Banjarmasin City.”
The team was accompanied by Geography Education lecturers Deasy Arisanty and Nevy Farista Aristin. “Assistance is carried out from determining the title to uploading (submitting) essays. More intensive presentation practice before departure to Jakarta, and assistance during the competition at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah on May 11-12,” said Nevy.
On this victory, team leader Angga Fitriana expressed her joy. “My feelings towards this victory are probably very mixed but profound. I feel very proud that our efforts and hard work have been recognized at the national level. There is a strong sense of accomplishment, which may also be accompanied by gratitude for the support from the people around me, especially the lecturers Mrs. Nevy Farista Aristin and Prof. Deasy Arisanty. In addition, this victory can provide a great boost of self-confidence, strengthen confidence and increase enthusiasm to continue working, and motivation to achieve the next achievements,” he said.
Congratulations to the winners, may they continue to make achievements and become an inspiration for others. (admin)