Subdivision of Personel
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
General Information
Head of Subdivision
Ida Auliani. S.E
NIP 197201052014092001
Main Objectives and Functions
Subdivision Of Personel
The Staffing Administration Subdivision of FKIP ULM is tasked with managing all aspects of staffing with professionalism. Its main tasks include managing personnel data, recruitment and selection of lecturers and staff, human resource development through training programmes, and employee performance management. In addition, the sub-section is responsible for employee welfare, industrial relations, and compliance with legal regulations. With proper planning and evaluation, this unit ensures effective HR management, supporting the overall performance of the faculty, here are the services of the Personnel sub-section:
- Proposal for Functional Positions
- Proposal for Satyancana Award
- Proposal for Lecturer Certification
- Proposal for Study Leave
- Proposal for Promotion
- Proposal for Retirement