Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) Choir, most of which are students of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Swara Banua Choir (SBC) won a silver medal in the folksong category. Swara Banua Choir consists of 38 student singers with ULM Performing Arts Education (PSP) lecturer, Sherly Nur Hikmah, as the conductor performing the songs “Selamat Datang di Banjarmasin” and “Jaranan” arranged by Triono Budiwiryawan. SBC is the only choir group from South Kalimantan that participated in the folksong competition category along with 14 participants from within and outside the country.
One of the judges, Andreas Sugeng from Indonesia, mentioned that the presentation of the song “Jaranan” succeeded in creating a genuine regional atmosphere from the song performed on stage. In addition, judge Hyowon Woo from South Korea said that SBC had mesmerizing energy and teamwork. “Great emotional expression and lovely phrasing,” she said. Another judge, TJ. Harper from the United States praised the solist on the song Welcome to Banjarmasin. “Nice solist and dance done well for Jaranan,” he said.
The Bali International Choir Festival (BICF) is an international choir festival organized by the Bandung Choral Society (BCS). The festival is an annual event that features choir performances from around the world. More than 3,500 singers from 13 countries in Asia, Oceania, North America, and Europe participated in the 13th BICF in 2024. This activity is centered in Denpasar and Badung for a week since Sunday (21/7/2024).
In addition to performances, the festival also organizes events such as opening ceremonies, friendship concerts, choir workshops, choir clinics, choir exchanges and collaborations, and choir competitions. The mission of friendship and cultural exchange was carried out through the Friendship Concert and the sharing of knowledge between the jury and the participants through the Choir Clinic. There was also a Choir on the Beach performance on Wednesday (7/24/2024) at Discovery Mall, Kuta Beach before the whole event closed on Saturday (7/27/2024).
This year, BICF was attended by 13 participating countries from the United States, New Zealand, China, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Slovenia, South Africa, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, and Singapore. from Indonesia, 20 provinces participated including Bali, Banten, D.I. Yogyakarta, DKI Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, East Java, South Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, North Kalimantan, Lampung, West Papua, Central Papua, NTT, North Maluku, North Sulawesi, South Sulawesi, West Sumatra, North Sumatra, and South Sumatra.
According to Sherly, BICF was the first international choir competition that BSC ULM participated in. “The prayers, support and facilities provided by the ULM leadership played an important role in our success. This valuable experience fosters a sense of pride and a higher fighting spirit to bring the good name of ULM in the field of choral art,” she said.
“Our appreciation and gratitude go to all those who have provided technical and management support, including the supervising lecturers, faculty leaders (FKIP -red), ULM student team, Vice Chancellor 3 and ULM Rector. Hopefully, ULM Choir can always contribute in making ULM proud,” he added.
Congratulations to the winners. May they continue to make achievements and be an inspiration to others. (admin)