Banjarmasin – The student team of the Primary School Teacher Education (PGSD) Study Program (PS), Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Universitas Lambung Mangkurat (ULM) won 3rd place and best abstract II at the PGSD Present VIII National Level event in the field of scientific writing competition. The team members who won 3rd place in this competition were Elma Mufida and Nurrahmatun Nisa with the title of the paper “The Impact of Playing Roleplayer Games on the Telegram Application on the Sexual Development of Elementary School Students”. The team members who won the best abstract II were Tri Ambangsih and Dhea Amani Fatihah with the title of the paper “Ethical Degradation of Elementary School Students in the Lokawisata Area”.
The student team was guided by PGSD PS lecturers Herti Prastitasari and Yogi Prihandoko. The competition presentation was conducted online through the zoom conference on May 30, while the announcement of the winner was made on June 1, 2024.
PGSD Present VIII National Level is an annual routine event organized by Riau University. Participants come from various public and private universities from Sumatra, Java, and Kalimantan. This year’s PGSD Present VIII carries the main theme “The Role of Students in Facing the Challenges of Society 5.0 through Science in order to Build a Generation of EMAS (Educative, Independent, Solutive) in order to realize the character of a Smart, Skilled, and Integrity Nation.”
According to one of the supervising lecturers, Yogi Prihandoko, their team was interested in raising the subtheme of elementary school education by focusing on strengthening character education and digital literacy. “Of course, this is motivated by the rampant misuse of gadgets and the influx of outside culture in tourist areas which certainly brings various negative impacts to elementary school students,” he said.
Meanwhile, one of the winning students, Elma Mufida, expressed her gratitude for this victory. “I personally did not expect that I would be the third winner. Honestly, I did not believe in myself, especially since I initially had no experience in participating in LKTI competitions before. However, I feel lucky because I get support and motivation from the supervisors and friends, I hope friends out there can dare to try without fear of failure, we are all learning and it is better to try than not at all, I am sure everyone has talent, it’s just a shame to try, “he said.
Congratulations to the winners, hopefully they will continue to make achievements and become an inspiration for others. (admin)