Banjar Regency – In an effort to continue to improve the performance and performance of educational staff (tendik), the leadership of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) held training. This activity was held at the Sky Convention Center on March 8-10, 2024 in conjunction with the FKIP ULM Work Meeting. Held in different rooms, the training agenda includes providing material on excellent service in the implementation of good governance on the first day, followed by fun games as a simulation to strengthen teamwork and enthusiasm for achieving work targets.
In the implementation of this activity, the committee collaborated with ABKIN (Indonesian Guidance and Counseling Association) who presented resource persons and instructors in this training. The resource person for the excellent service training was Abdul Majid, Chairman III of ABKIN South Kalimantan and Acting Head of Curriculum and Junior High School Students of Batola Regency. Meanwhile, the game instructor is the Head of the Education Science Department and lecturer of the Guidance and Counseling Study Program (PS), Nina Permatasari and team.
This activity was opened by the Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance, Dharmono, and attended by the Head of General Affairs, Ani Isdiati Basri; Head of Academic Subdivision, Akmil Fuadi Rahman; Head of Student Affairs and Alumni, Rabiatul Adawiyah; Head of Finance and Personnel, Ida Auliani; and Head of General Affairs and State Property (BMN), Isnawati as well as other tendiks in FKIP ULM both in the faculty and in the PS with a total of 109 people.
In his opening remarks, Dharmono expressed great hope that from this training the performance of tendik could improve, and there would be a strong desire in everyone to develop their respective work skills. the same thing was also conveyed by the Dean of FKIP ULM, Sunarno Basuki in the leadership briefing session. He advised that tendik in FKIP ULM can work well, work with enthusiasm, can cooperate and establish good communication, and want to continue learning for job demands, especially jobs that require technological assistance.
According to one of the participants, Achmad Akbari, who is the operator of Indonesian Language and Literature Education (PBSI), in the material delivery session on excellent service, one of the important things conveyed by the resource person is that excellent service means providing wholehearted service. “Sometimes when providing services we show a bad attitude. Even though there may be a factor behind the “bad impression”. Maybe it’s because we’re working too much, chasing deadlines, having problems, and so on. But the people we serve certainly don’t know that. They only see the impression we leave that we provide bad service. So, when we provide services, we try not to mix our emotions so as not to offend the people served in order to give the impression of good service and make the people served happy, “he said.
Regarding this whole activity, Saniah, one of the staff of the Finance and Personnel subdivision conveyed her impressions. According to her, the excellent service material adds to her knowledge and knowledge about the importance of patience in providing services. Meanwhile, according to her, the fun game session was very exciting. “These fun games contain positive values such as the importance of teamwork, abstinence, focus, listening carefully, patience, and others,” she said enthusiastically. In line with Saniah, Restu Prayogi, Chemical Education PS operator also gave a similar impression. According to him, the organization of the event was full of fun. “This activity is also a refreshing for us education personnel after so many busy activities, including the preparation and implementation of accreditation for a number of study programs at FKIP ULM,” he said. (admin)