Showing Consistency, Mathematics Education Study Program Holds 7th Senpika


Group photo of FKIP ULM Mathematics Education Study Program lecturers with invited guests, offline participants, 7th Senpika speakers with the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Deasy Arisanty (doc. committee)

The National Seminar on Mathematics Education (Senpika) of the Mathematics Education Study Program (PS), Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) was held for the 7th time on Saturday, June 8, 2024 in a hybrid manner in the 1st floor hall of the ULM Rectorate and through a zoom conference. This time, Senpika carried the theme “Transformation of Multidisciplinary-Oriented Mathematics Learning in the Disruption Era” and presented two speakers, namely Professor of Yogyakarta State University (UNY), Sugiman and Doctor from Makasar State University, Asdar.

This activity was opened by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs of FKIP ULM, Deasy Arisanty and attended by the Head of the Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education (JPMIPA), Syahmani, and the PS Coordinator (Korprodi) in JPMIPA. The seminar was also attended by representatives of Mathematics Education lecturers and students from UPK, UIN Antasari, UMB, and UNUKASE as well as representatives of mathematics teachers from MGMP Mathematics SMP and SMA Banjarmasin City, MGMP SMP Batola Regency and Banjar Regency also attended to enliven this year’s SENPIKA event.

SENPIKA 2024 was attended by a total of 292 participants from 14 provinces in Indonesia and as many as 70 presenters from 13 universities in Indonesia took part in this activity. This year’s Senpika also presents a national level mathematics education student competition entitled Senpika Berkarya. The competition consists of 3 branches of competition, namely, interactive videos of mathematics learning, media and teaching aids for mathematics learning, and mathematics education essays. The competition was attended by 98 teams from 18 universities in Indonesia.

“This Senpika event is very good, in addition to national seminars, this activity also facilitates national level competitions that can support the IKU (Main Performance Indicators-ed) of the university as well as achievements in the Study Program accreditation Self Evaluation Report,” said Deasy Ariasnty in her speech. “In the future, I hope Senpika can continue and present competent speakers in their fields according to the theme raised, as a vehicle for exchanging research results and thoughts in the field of mathematics education, and facilitating students to continue working in a competition,” she added.