Library of Congress Representative Visit to FKIP ULM


From left to right: History Education Study Program Coordinator, Rusdi Effendi; Coordinator of Civic Education PS, Mariatul Kiptiah; Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs FKIP ULM, Atiek Winarti; Dean of FKIP ULM Chairil Faif Pasani; LoC Acquisition Specialist, Nina Kania Dewi; Coordinator of IPS Education PS, Ersis Warmansyah Abbas; PS PBSI Coordinator, Sabhan; and Editor in Chief of FKIP ULM Magazine, Sainul Hermawan

Banjarmasin – Tuesday, 21 February 2023, Nina Kania Dewi, acquisition specialist at the Jakarta Library of Congress (LoC) office under the United States Embassy (US Ambassy) visited the Teaching and Education Faculty (FKIP) of Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) at 10.00 -11.30 WITA in order to get the printed publication results of FKIP ULM lecturers and students published in 2019 in the form of printed books, audio recordings, or audiovisual recordings. The list of books requested included books written by lecturers or students of the History Education Study Program (PS), Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program (PBSI) and Social Sciences Education Study Program (IPS). Among the books requested were, for example, the History of Banjar in the Japanese Era & the Physical Revolution, written by lecturers in the History Education Study Program, FKIP ULM, Rusdi Effendi and Mansyur; Collection of Student Scientific Writing: Role and Innovation of the Millennial Generation in Realizing Golden Indonesia 2045 edited by Mutiani; and the book Short Story of South Kalimantan: Anthology of Criticism by Sainul Hermawan.

This meeting was attended by the Dean of FKIP ULM, Chairil Faif Pasani; Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Atiek Winarti; Coordinator of IPS Education PS, Ersis Warmansyah Abbas; History Education Study Program Coordinator, Rusdi Effendi; PS PBSI Coordinator, Sabhan; Coordinator of Pancasila and Citizenship Education PS (PKn); and representative writer and Editor-in-Chief of FKIP Magazine, Sainul Hermawan.

According to Nina, the LoC is under the management of the United States legislature, but abroad, LoC representatives are under the US Ambassy. Jakarta is the representative center of the LoC in Southeast Asia, directly overseeing the LoC in four countries: Indonesia, Singapore, Timor Leste and Vietnam. “Books collected by LoC from around the world are books that are used as references for studies or analysis of US legislative policies. Indonesia has many study books, even studies owned by the government, in contrast to for example Vietnam which tends to be closed,” he explained.

Nina said that the books brought from FKIP ULM would later be sent directly to the United States LoC. The Dean of FKIP ULM, Chairil Faif Pasani welcomed this request. This is a scientific contribution, and he hopes it will be of positive use. Meanwhile, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Atiek Winarti expressed his appreciation. According to him, this is an opportunity for books written by FKIP ULM academics to be read by people from all over the world. Readers who are interested in donating their books, especially those related to local studies, can contact Nina at [email protected] (admin)

Meeting room