5th National Conference on History Education, Training and Workshop held on the First Day


Photo with resource persons, study program managers, and students participating in historical writing training (doc. committee)
Resource persons with the moderator (doc. committee)

Banjarmasin – As a commitment to strengthen the academic atmosphere and maintain its existence as part of a large family of history education disciplines, the History Education Study Program (PS) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) held the 5th National Conference on History Education with the big theme “Examining Historiography and Indonesian History Education”. This activity was carried out with a number of agendas including writing training and workshops on June 7, 2024 and a national seminar on June 8, 2024.

Writing training and workshop activities are a series of activities held at the Aria Barito Hotel starting at 08.00 WITA. The writing training organized was a local history writing training for students. The resource person for this training, Wajidi, is a researcher of BRIDA (Badan Risat dan Inovasi Daerah) South Kalimantan.

In the training, which was attended by students of the History Education Study Program, Wajidi explained about things that must be considered in writing local history (historiography), namely (1) writing must be preceded by serious research, (2) must use 4 integral steps in the Historical Method (heuristics, criticism, interpretation & historiography), (3) researchers or writers must have adequate reading or master historiographic works to make it easier to determine the topic to be written about, (4) mastery of secondary sources is needed to see what has or has not been written by people regarding the topic and area he is researching.

Meanwhile, the workshop which was held starting at 13.00 WITA on the same day invited historians as well as academics, namely Professor of History Education PS FKIP ULM, Bambang Subiyakto and historian from Hasanuddin University Ilham Daeng Makkelo with moderator, young South Kalimantan historian and lecturer of History Education PS, Mansyur. The event was attended by history education students, teachers, and history enthusiasts.

This workshop took the theme “Maritime Historiography: Existence, Prospects, and Challenges in Indonesian History.” According to the Coordinator of History Education, Melisa Prawitasari in her opening remarks, the workshop raised the maritime theme because Indonesia is known as a maritime country and more ideas are needed, including from a historical perspective, to strengthen the maritime of our country.

In his presentation, Lham Daeng Makkelo made an interesting statement that Indonesia’s maritime history is actually the world’s maritime history, considering that the archipelago is one of the destinations for maritime exploration of seafarers around the world while Nusantara seafarers have also explored the world long before the Europeans did. Unfortunately today, even though Indonesia is the largest maritime country in the world, it is still unable to utilize this condition optimally. In line with that, Bambang Subiyakto explained that apart from the potential utilization, the writing of Indonesian maritime history by Indonesians themselves is still not strong enough. According to him, Indonesian maritime historiography is still heavily influenced by European perspectives and narratives on Indonesia. (admin)