Academic Contribution, Professor of Social Studies Education at ULM Becomes a Resource at UIN Mataram


Ersis Warmansyah Abbas among the organizers and speakers of the APRIPSI International Conference (doc. Ersis)
Public Lecture (doc. Ersis)

Banjarmasin – Professor of the Social Studies Program at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) who is also the Chairperson of the Indonesian Social Studies Education Teachers Association (APRIPSI), Ersis Warmansyah Abbas was invited as a resource person at the General Lecture at the Auditorium Campus II UIN Mataram on Friday, June 7, 2024 with the theme “Powerful Social Studies Learning in the 21st Century”. This activity is part of a series of APRIPSI International Conference activities organized by Universitas Islam Negeri Mataram as the host.

The public lecture was attended by hundreds of participants, including lecturers, teachers, students of Universitas Islam Negeri Mataram, and students of Universitas Mataram. The Dean of UIN Mataram, Jumarim, gave a speech as well as opening the event. In his speech, he expressed his appreciation for organizing the event. He emphasized the importance of social studies learning in the era of globalization, where students must have strong knowledge and skills to become active and responsible citizens.

In her presentation, Ersis emphasized the importance of empowered social studies learning in the 21st century. According to her, social studies is not just about learning history and facts, but should also equip students with the critical thinking, communication and collaboration skills needed to be active and responsible citizens. “Social studies in the 21st century must equip students with the skills needed to face future challenges and opportunities. Students must be able to think critically, communicate effectively, and work together to solve problems and make positive changes,” she said

Ersis proposed several strategies to achieve empowered social studies learning, including, (1) centering learning on students: Students must be encouraged to be active and independent learners, (2) using innovative and creative learning methods: teachers must implement interesting and challenging learning methods so that students can learn effectively, (3) integrating technology in learning: Technology can help students learn more easily and enjoyably, (4) building collaboration between schools and communities: schools should work together with communities to provide broader learning experiences for students.

    Ersis also emphasized the important role of teachers in realizing empowered social studies learning. Teachers must have adequate knowledge and skills and continue to learn and develop. “Teachers are the key to successful social studies learning,” said Prof. Abbas. “Teachers must have adequate knowledge and skills to teach social studies in an effective and interesting way. Teachers must also continue to learn and develop in order to keep up with the times,” he said.

    The General Lecture was greeted with enthusiasm by the participants. They got a lot of inspiration and new ideas to improve the quality of social studies learning in schools and universities. source: Radio Sinfoni Mataram with adjustments.
