Educational Days invites children to compete in Sungai Jingah 6 elementary school


Group photo

Banjarmasin – In commemoration of National Education Day (Hardiknas), the FKIP Teaching Student Activity Unit (UKM) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) held the annual Educatonal Days event which is a series of competitions in the field of education. A series of competitions were held at SDN Sungai Jingah 6 Banjarmasin on May 25, 2024. The competition is intended for students of the SDN. The activity started from 08.00-11.00 WITA. The event was opened by the principal of Sungai Jingah 6 Elementary School in Banjarmasin, Sutriono, and attended by FETT Teaching UKM advisor, Dewi Alfianti; UKM administrators; teachers; and students. In his speech, Sutriono was happy that Teaching FETT UKM had chosen his elementary school for its activities, and he hoped that this kind of activity would be sustainable. Meanwhile, the Head of UKM FKIP Mengajar, Muhammad Salman Anshari Rizky explained about Educational Days itself which is an annual event that is routinely held and is part of the efforts to achieve the Main Performance Indicators (IKU) of Higher Education, in this case ULM.

Competitions for students held in this activity include coloring competitions and balloon marbles relay competitions for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade students as well as Rank One competitions, and relay sack races for 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students. After the students finished competing, the champions were chosen, including for the coloring competition: jAmri grade 3, Putri grade 3, and Gita grade 3; Rank One competition: grade 6 (Syifa, Dini, Fidhdhoh), grade 5 team B (Gina, Sofa, Aya); and grade 5 team A (Aqso, Fari, Abdul); balloon marble relay: team C (3rd grade Ridho, Madan, Putri), team E (2nd grade Riskan, Bagas, Faqih), and team A (1st grade Murid, Ijay, Assyifa); sack relay competition: 6th grade team A (Hanif, Yasmin, Ariyadi); 5th grade team A (Faiza, Lana, Fadil), and 4th grade team A (Alif, Haykal, Riski). (admin)

The atmosphere of the competition (doc. committee)