FETT ULM Graduates 484 Students in 2024’s Inaugural Judicium


ULM FETT Judiciary Procession 1 Year 2024

Banjarmasin – The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Universitas Lambung Mangkurat (ULM) on Wednesday, February 21, 2024 held the first Yudisium for 2024. The event was held at ULM’s General Theater Building. The Yudisium was opened by the Dean of FETT ULM, Sunarno Basuki and attended by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Deasy Arisanty; Deputy Dean for General and Financial Affairs, Dharmono; Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni, Ali Rahman; Head of General Affairs, Ani Isdiati Basri; Department heads and Study Program Coordinators (Korprodi) within FETT ULM or their representatives, as well as 484 students who graduated in this judicium procession. In this graduation, the three best graduates of FKIP ULM were Kamila Nur Faizza from the Biology Education Study Program with a GPA of 3.926 and a study period of 3 years and 4 months as the 3rd best; Dina Awaliyah also from the Biology Education Study Program with a GPA of 3.936 and a study period of 3 years and 4 months as the 2nd best; and Yusuf Basri from the Science Education Study Program with a GPA of 3.938 and a study period of 3 years and 4 months as the 1st best.

In his opening remarks, Sunarno Basuki expressed his appreciation and joy for the graduation of the students in this graduation. According to him, FETT has received the best ranking in the Internal Quality Audit (AMI), it needs to be improved, including by maintaining the quality of graduates. He hopes that after graduating, students will maintain their qualifications as FETT ULM alumni. Alumni are also expected to be adaptive in facing the challenges of change, especially in the field of information technology so that they can compete in the world of work. The Dean of FETT ULM also hopes that graduates can be quickly absorbed in the job market. He also advised alumni to maintain good relations with the campus and not forget to fill out the tracer study form so that they can remain recorded and connected.

The graduates came from 21 PS in FKIP ULM, including from PS Guidance Counseling as many as 22 people with the best graduate on behalf of Rizka Maulidatul Husna, GPA 3.79; PS Indonesian Language and Literature Education (PBSI) as many as 33 people with the best graduate on behalf of Nurul Huda, GPA 3.87; PS English Education as many as 33 people with the best graduate on behalf of Salsabila Fauziah, GPA 3.65; PS Biology Education as many as 21 people with the best graduate on behalf of Dina Alawiyah, GPA 3.94; PS Economics Education as many as 40 people with the best graduates on behalf of Syarifah Nahda, GPA 3.84; PS Physics Education as many as 4 people with the best graduates on behalf of Ira Mawarni, GPA 3.36; PS Geography Education as many as 28 people with the best graduates on behalf of Vina Oktaviana, GPA 3.79; PS Early Childhood Education Teacher Education (PG PAUD) as many as 1 person with the best graduate on behalf of Nur Rezqie Lyza Amalia, GPA 3.80; PS Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD) as many as 3 people with the best graduate on behalf of Siti Firda Anggraini, GPA 3, 84;

Science Education (IPA) as many as 18 people with the best graduates on behalf of Yusuf Basri, GPA 3.94; Social Science Education (IPS) as many as 14 people with the best graduates on behalf of Mulyati, GPA 3.71; Physical Education as many as 18 people with the best graduates on behalf of Tico Prasetiawan, GPA 3.51; PS Special Education as many as 15 people with the best graduate on behalf of Puteri Rahmatika, GPA 3, 92; PS Chemistry Education as many as 18 people with the best graduate on behalf of Mahda, GPA 3.85; PS Computer Education as many as 32 people with the best graduate on behalf of Yogie Prayoga, GPA 3.83; PS Mathematics Education as many as 30 people with the best graduate named Ahmad Fikri Akbar, GPA 3.90; PS Pancasila and Citizenship Education (PPKn) as many as 52 people with the best graduate named Muslimah, GPA 3.90; PS History Education as many as 30 people with the best graduate named Muhammad Rico, GPA 3.81; PS Performing Arts Education (PSP) as many as 20 people with the best graduates on behalf of Quine Zahva Novenia, GPA 3.86; PS Sociology Education as many as 38 people with the best graduates on behalf of Firda Ariana, GPA 3.87; and PS Educational Technology as many as 14 people with the best graduates on behalf of Ahmad Jayadi, GPA 3.84.

Congratulations to the scholars. Good luck in the future. (admin)