KIP FKIP ULM Student Wins FOMUNY 2024 Writing Contest Competition


The Winners (doc. Ezer)

Yogyakarta – Geography Education Study Program (PS) student, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM), Ezer Ayusalin Nazara and his team won a national writing contest. Ezer and his team, Willy Selpriani Zalukhu, Herlina, and Terima Nazara, participated in the Writing Contest FOMUNY 2024 competition held by the Yogyakarta State University KIP Scholarship Recipient Student Forum (Kartu Indonesia Pintar). They won 2 categories of competition in this event, namely (1) essay competition as the 2nd winner with DPL (Field Supervisor), Nevy Farista Aristin; (2) Scientific Writing (KTI) competition as the 3rd winner with DPL, Eva Alviawati.

Besides ULM, other universities participated as finalists. Among these universities are Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta State University, Semarang State University, Surabaya State University, Tidar University, Bogor Agricultural Institute, Bogor Agricultural University, Jenderal Soedirman University, and Padjajaran University.

Regarding this umpteenth victory, Ezer said that he and his team enjoyed participating in competitions, especially writing competitions related to his field. For him, it is a place to improve his competence. “Participating in the competition is not merely immediate, but it takes a long process, so participating in competitions both offline and online with national standards is something that I think needs to be challenged, so that the victory achieved can make ULM proud, both FKIP and also the Geography Education Study Program,” he said.

Congratulations to the winners, may they continue to make achievements and become an inspiration for others. (Admin)