PS PPG FKIP ULM Prepares and Socializes Elective MK for PPG 2024 Participants


Dean of FKIP ULM, Sunarno Basuki opened the event accompanied by Korprodi PPG, Hidayah Ansori.
Activity Atmosphere

Banjar Regency – The Teacher Professional Education (PPG) Study Program (PS) at the Institute for Educational Personnel Education (LPTK), Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) on Wednesday, August 28, 2024, held a Socialization of Pre-Service PPG Elective Courses (MK) Semester 1 Wave 1 Year 2024. This activity was held at the Sky Convention Center from 09.00-15.00 WITA. The event was opened by the Dean of FKIP ULM, Sunarno Basuki and attended by invitations from the ULM Rectorate, heads of sections and heads of sub-sections of FKIP ULM, heads and secretaries of study fields, and pamong teachers.

In his opening remarks, Sunarno Basuki advised that the implementation of the PPG program can provide benefits and convenience for the teachers who follow it. According to him, this program was initiated in order to raise the dignity of teachers so it needs to be implemented as well as possible. Statistically, there are so many teachers who have not been certified and a new scheme has been created to accelerate and hopefully simplify the certification process.

This socialization activity was divided into two sessions, namely a session explaining the latest PPG scheme by the PPG PS Coordinator, Hidayah Ansori and an introductory session for Elective MK, Wetland Learning Innovation by the Deputy Dean for General and Financial Affairs, Dharmono.

Regarding the implementation of this activity, Hidayah Ansori said that this socialization was carried out in order to fulfill the request of the Directorate General (Dirjen) of GTK (Teachers and Educators) of the Ministry of Education, Culture Research and Technology (Kemdikbudristek). FKIP ULM as an LPTK was asked to prepare an Elective MK and it was agreed that the MK was a Wetland Learning Innovation that was in accordance with the characteristics of South Kalimantan. According to Hidayah, the material presented today is an initial understanding, then there will be more intensive workshops for teaching lecturers and student teachers related to Elective MK at LPTK FKIP ULM. (admin)