FETT students bring ULM to win the Peksiminas 2024 competition stalks


Risma Liyanti among the winners of Peksiminas 2024 (doc. Humas ULM)

Jakarta – Risma Liyanti, a student of the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program (PBSI), Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) won 3rd place in the short story writing competition at the national level of the National Student Art Week (Peksiminas) held at the State University of Jakarta on September 2-6, 2024. Risma is ULM’s representative in this competition after passing the Peksiminas tiered selection from the faculty, university, to provincial levels.

The National Student Art Week (Peksiminas), which this year is held for the 17th time, is the most prestigious art competition for students. Peksiminas is a biennial event organized by the Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs (Ditjen Belmawa) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. A number of competitions are held in this event, including pop, dangdut, keroncong and seriosa singing competitions; painting competitions, comic strips, and social campaign media; poetry reading competitions, monologues; photography competitions; dance competitions, vocal groups; and poetry, short stories, and play writing competitions. In this event, each province sends its best delegates who are the first winners at the regional level selection (Peksimida: Regional Student Art Week).

Risma’s short story managed to attract the judges who are national literary figures, namely the Editor of Kompas Cultural Arts, Putu Fajar Arcana; writer Benny Arnas, and writer Imam Muhtarom. According to Benny Arnas, who was contacted directly by the Public Relations of FKIP ULM, Risma’s short story entitled “Nyanyian Rumput Tetangga” has advantages in its non-stereotopical protagonist, a grandmother who apparently has a strong motive why she is a chatty figure; the moral message is in line with the theme, and the writing is neat. “The weakness is that while the characterization is not stereotypical, the plot is not. The plot is stereotypical. As if killing off the protagonist will make prose seem literary,” he said wisely.

Meanwhile, Risma expressed her happiness. According to her, it is extraordinary to be able to bring the name of South Kalimantan to the national level “I am happy and touched because I can do things that I never thought of before. Happy to be able to compete with the best participants in the province. Thank you for the support from all parties, especially the faculty for their support from the beginning and also the university,” she said enthusiastically.

Coordinator of PS PBSI, Ahsani Taqwiem said that Risma is indeed one of a number of PS PBSI students who have writing talent. PS PBSI itself has a literary writing course, namely Creative Writing of Literature, which provides opportunities for students to explore and train themselves to write various genres of literary texts, both poetry, short stories, and drama scripts.

Congratulations to Risma Liyanti, may she continue to make achievements and be an inspiration for others. (admin)