FETT ULM Senate Discusses the POB Document for Cooperation with UPKH


The atmosphere of the FKIP ULM senate meeting on Tuesday, July 2, 2024
The Head of UPKH FKIP ULM delivered a description of the POB cooperation document and POB monev cooperation.

Banjarmasin – The Senate of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) on Tuesday, July 2 held a meeting with the Cooperation and Public Relations Management Unit (UPKH) starting at 10.00 WITA in the senate meeting room. The agenda of this meeting was to discuss the draft document of the Standard Operational Guidelines (POB) for cooperation and the POB plan document for monitoring and evaluation (monev) of cooperation.

The meeting was attended by the UPKH team, namely the chairperson, Emma Rosana Febriyanti; secretary for cooperation, Dewi Dewantara; secretary for public relations, Dewi Alfianti; and staff, Imelda Indah Savitri and Muhammad Naufal Yaasir. Meanwhile, the senate members who attended were 34 out of 52 people consisting of professors, heads of departments, and representatives of study programs.

The meeting was opened by the Chairman of the Senate who is also a Professor of Pancasila and Citizenship Education (PPKn), Wahyu. Dean of FKIP ULM who is also a Professor of Physical Education, Sunarno Basuki was asked to give an introduction. In his remarks, Sunarno hoped that the meeting would run effectively so that an appropriate formulation could be produced regarding the cooperation POB document so that the UPKH team could continue its work of managing cooperation at the faculty level while better coordinating cooperation at the PS level. According to him, apart from this discussion, there will be quite a lot of senate work related to regulatory discussions in the future, including discussions regarding MBKM (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka) and RPL (Rekognisi Pembelajaran Lampau) guidelines.

During the discussion, a number of inputs were presented, including by the professors, Sutarto Hadi, Amka, Aminuddin Prahatama Putra, Atiek Winarti, Abdul Muin, Imam Yuwono, Bambang Subiyakto; as well as other members such as Syahmani, Rusmansyah, Utomo, and Sabhan. Some of the inputs included the improvement of good and correct Indonesian writing. Other things that were discussed related to the concept of content included individual agreements, nominal cooperation agreements, the urgency of implementing cooperation, and aspects of implementation that were monitored.

These inputs and suggestions were outlined in the Senate Meeting Decision number 62/UN8.1.2/SENAT FKIP/2024 signed by the chairman of the senate. In this decision, it is recommended that the faculty leaders implement the results of the meeting. This decision also explains that the senate has carried out its supervisory function. (admin)