FKIP ULM at the 2023 ULM Work Meeting


The condition of ULM performance delivery in 2022. (doc. Humas FKIP)

Banjarmasin – On Thursday-Friday, 23-24 February 2023, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat (ULM) held a 2023 work meeting. This activity was divided into two main agendas, namely the presentation of ULM performance in 2022 and the 2023 work plan meeting. This event was attended by the Chancellor of ULM and the vice-chancellors, deans and vice-deans at ULM including the Dean of the ULM Teaching and Education Faculty (FKIP), Chairil Faif Pasani; Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Atiek Winarti; Vice Dean for General Affairs and Finance; Imam Yuwono; and Deputy Dean for Student and Alumni Affairs, Dwi Atmono, unit heads within ULM, educational staff (tendik) heads of relevant ULM sections, and Study Program coordinators (PS) at ULM. From the FKIP PS coordinators who attended included, Coordinator of the Sociology Education PS, Syahlan Mattiro; Coordinator of Biology Education Study Program, Sri Amintarti; Economic Education PS Coordinator, Muhammad Rahmattullah; English Education PS Coordinator, Noor Eka Chandra; Coordinator of Pancasila and Citizenship Education PS (PKn), Mariatul Kiptiah; Mathematics Education Coordinator, Noor Fajriah; Education Technology Coordinator, Hamsi Mansur; IPS Education Coordinator, Ersis Warmansyah Abbas; Chemistry Education Coordinator, Rusmansyah, and other PS coordinators.

Submission of the 2022 performance was delivered directly by the Chancellor of ULM, Ahmad. In his description, it is known that a number of achievements related to FKIP ULM, including from all study programs (PS) at ULM, 14 PSs have been accredited superior, 11 of them are PSs within FKIP ULM. FKIP also listed itself as the faculty with the largest number of teaching materials produced after the Faculty of Agriculture, namely 130 teaching materials. Meanwhile, for the number of graduates who are entrepreneurs, FKIP ranks 4th (46) after the Faculty of Medicine (133), the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) (115), and the Faculty of Agriculture (62).

In this performance report, various achievements that still need to be improved for all faculties at ULM are courses that use the case-based method and project-based method, research and community service that get international recognition, permanent lecturers who have competency certificates or come from the world of work/professionalism. , implementation of Independent Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM), internationally accredited PS, and lecturers who have three degrees at other campuses or lecturers who are practitioners in the industrial world. This improvement commitment then becomes the focus in preparing the 2023 performance plan.

The work plan meeting was divided into 4 commissions, namely commission 1 which discussed plans for Key Performance Indicators (IKU) 2, namely activities outside the campus of the MBKM program students; IKU 4, namely the increase in doctoral lecturers, certified and practicing lecturers; IKU 5, which is the output of research and service that is recognized internationally; IKU 7, namely courses with case-based and project-based methods; and IKU 8, namely PS accredited or internationally certified. Commission 2 discusses plans for IKU 3, namely lecturers with three degrees at other campuses or the industrial world; IKU 4 which focuses on lecturer achievements at the national and international levels; and governance related to Human Resources (HR), State Property (BMN), and finance. Commission 3 discusses plans for IKU 1, namely graduates who are working, further studies or entrepreneurship; IKU 2, namely outstanding students on a national and international scale, and IKU 3 which focuses on lecturers who guide outstanding students. Commission 4 discussed plans for IKU 6, namely collaboration with partners regarding collaboration in curriculum development, apprenticeship programs, and others.

In preparing the performance plan, ULM is committed to strengthening the implementation of MKBKM, one of which is making FKIP assisted villages in collaboration with the Ministry of Rural Affairs and Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (Kemendes PDTT), namely Karang Indah Village and Anjir Pasar Kota 2 as target villages for MBKM similar to Bina Desa in ULM. The meeting also explained the financial management and reporting scheme for 2023, as well as various plans for ULM to be represented as a Public Service Agency (BLU) campus. (admin)

The condition of the meeting at the commission 1. (doc. Humas FKIP)