FKIP ULM RKA KL Study Meeting by SPI ULM


The atmosphere of the FKIP ULM RKA KL review meeting by SPI ULM

Banjarmasin. As a routine activity at the beginning of each fiscal year, after the completion of the preparation of the Ministries and Institutions Budget Work Plan (RKA KL) at the Teaching and Education Faculty (FKIP) of Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM), the ULM Internal Supervisory Unit (SPI) held a meeting together with the FKIP financial manager to conduct a review of the RKA KL. This meeting functions as a medium for supervising the budget that has been made at the faculty level so that it is by the rules for managing and using the budget that has been set by the Ministry of Finance so that at a later date during the evaluation of the budget there are no violations of the rules which can result in sanctions both normatively and legally.

This meeting was held in the FKIP ULM Utility Building meeting room from 09.00-12.00 WITA. Related parties from FKIP, SPI, and the ULM rectorate attended the meeting. FKIP representatives included Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance, Imam Yuwono; Assistant Expenditure Treasurer, Indra Nur Adhitya; Finance and Personnel Subdivision staff, Jayadi; Staff of General and State Property Subdivision (BMN), Dedy Rizani. Meanwhile, from SPI, the Chairperson of SPI ULM, Novita Weningtyas Respati, and other SPI staff, namely Diah Fitriaty, Retna Hapsari, and Fatimah, was present. The ULM rectorate was represented by Alfian Noor, Sub-Coordinator of Planning and Budgeting, and staff, Muhammad Ilyas, Nata Arifullah, Rahmat Muliansyah; Fery Erawati, Non-PNBP Sub-coordinator (Non-Tax State Revenue); Husin Naparin, EPPN Sub-coordinator (Program and Budget Implementation Evaluation); as well as non-tax state revenue (PNBP) staff, Ahmad Ridhani.

According to Imam Yuwono, from the study results, the RKA KL FKIP ULM had been appropriately prepared. It could be carried out with several notes. This note relates to technical matters in the formulation and, later, in the budget implementation. Indra Nur Adhitya conveyed that among the things that need to be considered are efficiencies, including streamlining benchmarking activities for only two people, facilitating journal editors to a maximum of only three people, and streamlining assistance in filling out BKD. Another more technical thing is the naming of the program by the directives of the Input Cost Standard (SBM). (admin)